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Speech by John Ruman

I found this site VERY helpful, it helped me write my speech. Before clicking onto this site, I was almost at the point of anxiety attacks. With a bit of help from the examples and some other sites too, I think I''ve come up with a reasonably good speech and I''m more than happy to share what I''ve prepared. I haven''t actually made the speech yet. The wedding is tomorrow and I''m feeling so much better about my speech, THANK YOU guys!

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: John Ruman
Speech Date: Mar2006
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is J R
and I have been given the privilege of being Grant's best man.


When G first asked me to be his best man – I'll be honest – I felt very honoured and very excited. Thank you G, it means a lot to me, to be here sharing such a special day with you and C, who by the way looks stunning – I think everyone would agree – you really do look beautiful today C.
And to the bridesmaid Tamara. The Maid of Honour. You do indeed look wonderful, OPTIONAL: she has performed her her role so splendidly.


So… still on the high of being asked to be best man, it soon occured to me that
I was to – at some stage – prepare a speech… the best man's speech.


AND it was then that I realised how unaccustomed I am of speaking in public.
And then the anxiety kicked in, big time!
So THANKS G!… thanks a lot!


I wasn't sure where to start and someone said to me to have a quick look on the internet for help. After a few hours I found some really good stuff… But then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for material for the speech.


By the way if anyone's interested I've got the other stuff burnt onto disk.


G and I have known each other for over 20 years now, pretty much since grade two.
So… we've grown up together… Well, I'VE grown up!


From primary school… to high school and then college, together.
When we first met, I didn't think that HE would actually hang around THIS long!

But… it's safe to say that we've gone through pretty much everything two mates could go through together… from digging a hole in the ground, convinced if we dug deep enough we'd end up in China.

Riding our bikes through the storm water drains and coming home with slime all over our clothes.
To our very first high school day chekcing if we had the same classes together, and then, towards the end being peer support leaders and miming the

Boyz-II-Men song End-of-the-Road infront of all those Year 7 students at the peer support camp, faces covered in charcoal… We were superstars… for about an hour.

Sitting next to your mate, while he was crying because the girl that he wanted so much broke his heart – just for the record, it was ME that was crying… and I'm not afraid to admit that.

Then to the college days of sitting in the passenger seat of G's car – and there were many – while he floored it and flung it around the college like the hoon that he was AND still IS.

Long after college we didn't see AS much of each other… especially later on when he moved to Bateman's Bay… But when Grant and I did catch up, nothing had changed… ecxept for maybe a bit hair from his head, but I'm sure that was just the way the hair dresser cut it!


I wasn't actually there when G and C had met, but G told me pretty quickly that he'd met someone here in Canberra, and her name was C…

She would only be a name to me for quite some time. But when G spoke of her, I could hear and see a change in him that I hadn't seen before.

After meeting C and spending time with the two, I have seen in C someone who challenges G in all the right ways… I know this, because in the past he was a little tough on his girlfriends. I see a different G with C… And I think it's great. A man softens when he finds that special girl – dare I say – special lady.

Even though I haven't spent a lot of time with you both together, I DO look forward to seeing you grow EVEN MORE as a couple in the future.


And today both have married for better and for worse… G couldn't have done better… and C couldn't have done… … better either!


I want to offer you two a little advice…

While you are on honey moon at the Whitsunday's, on the yacht, in such a romantic setting, please, PLEASE remember to always use protection… especially on the beach. So make sure you pack the sun tan lotion and
use lots of it!

AND on such a special occasion, I will also leave you with some pearls of wisdom…

C, always remember that men are like fine wine… they start out like grapes and it's your job to stamp all over them until they mature into something that you'd like to have dinner with!
And G… Apparently, the best way to remember your anniversary is to
forget it once!

And make sure you set the ground rules and establish who's boss…
and then do everything C tells you.

And one more thing Gr… I read that communication is important for a successful marriage,
so here are a few female phrases for you to look out for and their proper meanings “We need” means… “I want”. “Does my bum look big in this?” means… “Tell me I look beautiful”. “Do you love me?” means… “I'm going to ask for something REALLY expensive”

And some male phrases for YOU C to look out for: “I'm hungry” means… “I'm hungry.” “I'm tired” means… “I'm tired”. “Nice dress” means… “Do you want to make whoopie?!” and “Do you want to watch a movie?” means “Do you want to make whoopie?!”

On that note, I think I have said enough.

Now, all jokes aside…

G… I am honoured that you asked me to be your best man, thank you.
I hope one day we DO get to China together and if we don't, I had fun along the way. I look forward to another 20-or-more years experiencing life with you as my mate. I couldn't ask for a better person to be Best Man for.

R and G… you both should be very proud of the son you've brought up to become the man that he is today, congratulations to you both and thank you for putting up with us turkeys all those years.

Family and friends, I ask you all to be upstanding and drink a toast to the bride and groom…

Now before I make this toast… let me just say…

Marraige is not about finding someone you can live with, it's about finding someone you can't live without.

Gongratulations G and C, We ALL wish you both well for the future, and hope and pray you enjoy a long, happy, and fruitful marriage…

Ladies and Gentlemen – to Mr and Mrs Gr and C Surname!

Thank you.