Speech by Liam
I'd just like to say that looking at this website really helped me get some inspiration and ideas for my speech when my mind went blank. It is not an easy task putting a best man speech together that is good and delivering it. I have uploaded my speech because I hope that my example here too gives inspiration and helps other best men compile an excellent speech too. I don't care how many stars you give me. I just hope that my example is a great help to other people doing the same thing for their best friends, brothers etc. Whoever you are reading this passage. I wish you good luck delivering y
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Liam
Speech Date: 09/10/2016 17:56:23
Good Evening ladies and gentleman – can I just check that everyone can hear me? People at the back? .… Yes? .… That's unfortunate for you. Don't worry – as I am the last speech and will try and keep this as brief as possible … I promise the next three and a half hours will fly by.
Having spent a lot of time scouring the internet and According to the bride I have been told that a good speech is like a mini skirt – short enough to keep it interesting and long enough to cover the essentials.
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Liam and I am the Best man for today and might I add it's a great honour to be here doing this today. I think you will all agree with me when I say what a brilliant wedding celebration it has been so far and we've still got James's dancing to look forward to later.
I would just like to thank the bride's father Mark and the groom for such a brilliant job of their speeches. I'd also like to thank the bridesmaids not only for looking so radiant but for helping the bride get ready earlier and calming her nerves.
Amsterdam was an excellent stag and I would like to thank Jamie and Tom for helping with that. Couldn't have done it without you.
Over the last few months maybe more I know how much commitment, preparation and effort it has taken both sides of the families and particularly Sarah, James and also friends to be here today. I'd just like to point out what a brilliant job everyone has done. The ceremony was amazing and look at the amazing job they've done of the reception particular the tables, decorations and seat covers.
Sarah I can't imagine any bride has ever looked more wonderful than you today . . . proving James is punching well above his weight.
I have been best friends with and known the groom for the best part of twenty-five years and have known the bride for about 7 years but always I have felt like I have known them both my whole life.
When I look back in time I'm sure people in the room remember back in the day. A certain nightclub called liquid and Envy that we used to go out partying too when we were younger most weekends. We would get ridiculously drunk and dance it off on the dance floor. Well as luck or fate may have it, in that night club Sarah and James first met. Her nice smile attracted his attention and that night he was a drunken fool but she saw right through that 7 years ago. Me and James are pretty close friends and I would normally know pretty quickly about new female companions but I seem to remember this was different he kept her under his hat so too speak, so he must have had a good feeling about her back then.
I remember when I first met Sarah back then I thought how beautiful, sweet, caring and thoughtful she was. Even from day one in my mind I have never had any doubt whatsoever that we would be here this very day celebrating there love for each other. As an an outsider on their relationship and close friend, not only has their relationship been a role model to me but I have seen Sarah keep James on his toes over the years and I have just seen them both grow closer together and go from strength to strength. I have seen the relationship grow into an engagement and also over three years ago on December the 1st into the world came Marie my God daughter and what a beautiful and well mannered little girl she has become. Such an excellent representation of them both. I think I'm not alone when I say how pleased I am to be here today celebrating their marriage.
As Quoted by Lao Tzu – To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.
Now last but not least please stand up from your seats and give a big Toast to Mr and Mrs Evans.
(Everyone gives a toast)
You may all sit down now. Thank you for listening to me. See you all on the dance floor later.