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Speech by M Hope

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: M Hope
Speech Date: Aug 1999
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I'm the best man – not literally – just in title . I'll try to keep this short. (Produce big block of prompt Cards). In fact in planning this speech, Richard gave me a list of topics I couldn't cover, (remove large chunk of cards), so there goes most of the speech. OK Richard?

Thank the Groom on behalf of the bridesmaids
First of all on behalf of the bridesmaids I'd like to thank Richard for his kind sentiments and I think everybody would agree that they look gorgeous. Especially as one of them is my wife! I have to say they have done a splendid job so far in making today a very emotional event – look! even the cake is in tiers. (if it is!). Nice one ladies. And of course doesn't Diby look magnificent? What a fantastic dress, and how beautiful she looks, Richard you are a lucky man!

Somebody more philosophical than me once said that being asked to be a best man is like being asked to snog the Queen mother – It's a great honour but no one really wants to do it.

When Richard asked me to be best man I was a little surprised. But on reflection it was logical. I've known Richard for 6 years, and based his current age, that puts 30 plus years of stories into a locker that I can't open!

Today is a momentous day in the life of Richard & Diby, a millstone, sorry milestone in their life together! I did some research into historical events that happened today, and surprisingly I could find only one major event in history. In 1987 a West German Pilot Landed in Red Square after a 700 mile flight from Helsinki. So today's events is right up there in the history books!

It is also worth noting that the year Richard was born is the same year as American Express Credit Card started, something Diby is very expert in using!

I have to say that I must take some of the credit or blame for today's proceedings. I too am recently married. Happily married for 5 months. Some would say that is an oxymoron, but it's early days yet! When my wife and I married in January of this year I think it gave Diby some ideas on how a wedding could be done. Also there has been some similarity between Richard & Diby's relationship and Michaela & mine. For example, the 5 KG of sugared almonds scattered around the tables today is an idea borrowed from our wedding ceremony. Thanks to my wife for bringing them back from the UK recently!

Diby also asked how I proposed to Michaela. I told her I used the old fashioned English method of going down on one knee and asking. Diby liked this idea, and told me so. Having "insider knowledge" I passed this information to Richard who was obviously considering this bold move.

Finally, Richard decided he would ask. On a walk on Peng Chau, he duly got down on one knee and asked. Unfortunately he stood up far too quickly, so Diby didn't believe him so made him do it again! Even then she waited until the ferry journey back before saying "Yes!". Hence we are here today celebrating their new life together.

Of course life is not easy in a relationship, before or after marriage. Some mistakes are made. And forgiveness and making up is part of a relationship. A good example of forgiveness is related to Richard's occasional inflexible opinion on certain topics. For example, he will not buy products from Japan or Germany. I'm not sure if someone from those countries has offended him in the past, but it is worth noting that when he came to HK he started working for ICL, a British company. Three years ago ICL merged with Fujitsu one of the biggest Japanese companies in the world. Richard justified this by saying it was OK to take their money! Another example is when he went to buy a new Television recently, and Diby was suggesting the Sony or the Sharp was very nice. Oh, no, a Dutch made Philips TV and video recorder was purchased!

By way, Richard has recently left Fujitsu for pastures new – and will be working for a British company again. Be careful they are not bought out by Germans or Japs Richard! And as a souvenir of your time in ICL / Fujitsu, here is a little momento I picked up for you….…

Coming back to the forgiveness in a relationship. Richard is a golfer. Well, he thinks he is, and certainly likes to try and coach everyone else. Never stops talking on the golf course. Anyway, Diby knew of his passion for golf, and decided that for a Xmas present that a new golf bag would be good. On opening the gift, Richard discovered the bag was made by Mizuno – a well known Japanese sports company. Needless to say, like any good partner he bit his lip, said how wonderful it was and now has to carry it around the course, much to amusement of the rest of us! Diby, make a note for the future, American made golf bag next time!

Also on the inflexible theme I come to Richard's drinking habits. Richard is one of the fussiest people I know. Anyone who's been out with him is used to the "Tsing Tao?" question whenever drinks are being ordered. Tsing Tao is a Chinese beer. A "Boutique" beer as Richard terms it as "I don't drink production beer". If it is a boutique beer, i.e. not easily available, why does he insist on trying to order it when in Thailand, Philippines, or even in Australia? And the following pout (sad face) is there for the rest of the evening! So to help Richard this evening, I have three little gifts – his three favourite beers – Tsing Tao from China, San Miguel from the Philippines, and finally, a Singha from Thailand.

Lastly Richard is a very dedicated person. He is very dedicated to Diby, but he has another passion – Rugby refereeing. Some here have experienced first hand the officious "no nonsense" side of Richard. A strong disciplinarian on the field of play, I have seen first hand myself, the stiff arm held up, and the 10 yard penalty for any back chat from the players! The Mallett children better watch out for this!

But Diby too has a strong will. We must thank Diby for the wonderful day today, which is 95% her organisation, and 5% Richard. The 5% is the cheque and credit card signing, so thanks to Richard for today's meal and proceedings. In a recent get together I was party to a discussion on the theme of the Page Boy. I don't know if you noticed in church, but the Page Boy carried the marriage rings on a cushion walking up the aisle?

Richard wasn't too happy about this, and a discussion took place over dinner as I was sat with them. The discussion was cut short by Diby's statement " Richard, thank you for your opinion, it is valued but I want it…..". I suggest Richard you may hear more of those in the forthcoming years!

OK, I've talked enough, time for a few card readings, and then we can get onto more serious drinking, dancing, etc.

Read cards & letters.…

Final toast

Finally, it has been said that marriage is a 50 / 50 partnership I hope you realise that anyone who believes that knows very little about women or fractions Good luck!

On a more serious note. Richard, we have had some excellent times together and I know that we will continue to do so in the future. You have been a great friend to me over the years, and it has been a great honour to be your best man.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a toast to Richard and Diby, the new Mr. and Mrs. Mxxxxxx.

We wish them well for the future, and hope they enjoy a long, happy, and fruitful marriage.

I give you a final toast to "The Bride & Groom."