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Speech by Mark Johnson

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Mark Johnson
Speech Date: oct 2004
Good Evening everybody…I hope you are
all enjoying everything so far…
My name is Mark Johnson, and I am
Todd's Best Man for the evening…
I happened to find out that there was a pool
going on as to how long my Best Man's
speech was going to be, & I was the only
one who bought in at 60 minutes, so you
might as well all just relax, sit back and enjoy
the ride…

When Todd first asked me to be a "Best Man",
I wasn't really sure what my responsibilities
were suppossed to be. I asked around, & was
told that my main duties for today were:
To ensure that the groom arrives on time,
To make sure he is sober, &
Make sure he is looking good…
Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad…
After all I'm best man, not a plastic surgeon!

I was also worried about how long my speech
should be too, but someone told me that it
should only last as long as the groom takes
to perform his marital duties on his wedding
night, so…actulally, (*LOOK AT WATCH)…,
I think I've over-run already!

I first met Todd many years ago when he
came to work with me.
I remember one of my first impressions of
Todd was someone that tried to dress good…
He seemed to have a sense for
fashion…and not being a very fashionable guy
myself, I started to copy him in the sort of things
he used to wear — until my mother got mad at
me for taking clothes from her wardrobe…

But when it came to finding a wife, I don't
think Todd could've been luckier. Julie is
a fantastic person and, as I'm sure you will all
agree, looks absolutely stunning tonite…
My first impression of Julie was that she was
a beautiful, witty, charming, clever, friendly
and a thoughtful person… And it just goes to prove
that old saying that opposites really do attract…

I do want to Thank Todd & Julie for allowing
me to be involved in their Wedding Day, and
in their wedding party…It is an honour and a
priviledge to be a part of this special day
with them…

Marriage in this day and age is far from
easy. With all the external pressures of
day-to-day life, you need to grow together
in mutual trust and understanding, while
not forgetting what first brought you together.
In other words, may your love be modern
enough to survive the times, yet old-fashioned
enough to last forever

There is an old saying — “you don't marry
someone because you can live with them,
you marry them because you simply cannot
live without them”…

So finally, I can truly say that you are wished
nothing but the best for the future. You are a
unique and perfectly matched couple, and I
hope that all your dreams come true and you
have a long & happy life together. Ladies and
gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join
me in a toast – to the bride and groom —
Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Julie Deckett…