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Speech by Mark Jones

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Mark Jones
Speech Date: Sep2004
Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, for those who don't know me, my name is
Mark and I am Graeme's best man today.

I'd just like to start by thanking everyone on behalf of the Bride and
groom, for sharing their wedding day, I'm sure you'll all agree this has turned out to be a really great day and a brilliant wedding celebration.

I would also like to say ‘Dee you look absolutely beautiful today, and I'm sure Graeme feels he is a very lucky man.

Dee has asked me to publicly thank you Graeme for being the one that has made her, and the children, Harry &amp Ellie so happy.

And a sincere thank you is given to Dee's friends for all the support they have given her over the past 15 years. Dee tells me that she is happier than I have been for a very very long time and all her friends have helped her through an awful lot.

Making today successful has involved a great deal of organisation, and not many people here know that that level of organisation was partially hampered by Dee having her credit card stolen 2 weeks ago. On the plus side, Graham has decided not to report the matter to the police, as whoever stole it is spending less than Dee.

I'd like to just pause a few moments to read a couple of cards the bride and groom received today, read cards from both sets of parents.

It seems to be customary on these occasions for the Best Man to drag up some embarrassing anecdotes from the Groom's past.

I've known Graeme for ten years now. We first met when I was working for the Police and Graeme was a manager within the City Council. Our jobs brought us together on a regular basis, mostly in the police cantee. And have been good friends ever since.

I can honestly say, that with the understandable exception of Lucy my wife, he is my best friend.

You would think wouldn't you, that thinking back over ten years, I would be able to recount some embarrassing story or occasion? Well I don't have one, because Graeme is genuinely a good guy, ..… I can't speak for the previous 30 years, .… Only the last ten.

It's hard to believe, but Graeme hasn't always been the good-looking guy you see before you today. It appears he has got better looking the older he gets. I say this because, I did manage to contact Staff Nurse Smith from the Liverpool Royal Infirmary, who was present the night Graeme was born.
Staff Nurse Smith has good reason to remember Graeme, she told me:

‘ I wouldn't say Baby Graeme was unattractive, but he has the distinction of being the only infant in the entire history of the Liverpool Royal Infirmary who was fed using a catapult. ‘

But that's all in the past now, .…

Well I'm going to sit down shortly, but before I do there are 2 final things I'd like to say.

I'd like to say thank you Graeme for asking me to be your best man today. I've never been a best man before, and it is an honour to be chosen.

And Finally:
It gives me great pleasure, not to mention relief, to invite you all to join me in a toast.

Graeme and Dee, You make a lovely couple, and I am sure everyone here today would like to wish you good health, happiness and a wonderful life together.