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Speech by Martin Hodgkinson

Dear Hitched Your site was very useful. This speech went down a storm. Yes, I was nervous, but everyone really is on your side. I would also recommend a book by Mitch Murray called one liners for weddings. His advice to use shorter snappier lines (rather than longer stories) really is the way to go. Try not to let nervousness about the speech spoil the day - it really is not that bad! Martin

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Martin Hodgkinson
Speech Date: Jun 2001
It's a real honour to be Nick's best man – as well as slightly daunting…..but he's assured me, that if I do a good job today he'll let me be the best man at his next wedding!!

On behalf of the bridesmaids I would like to thank Nick for his kind words and gifts. It's been a privilege for myself and Joanne, Cherry and Angi to be a part of this very special day for you both.

In the sprit of giving and receiving gifts I would like to take this opportunity to present Nick and Kelly with a rather belated housewarming present to welcome family and friends into their new home.

Hold up door mat which has written on it ‘BEWARE OF THE WIFE’

By the way, if any married men in the audience are interested in these mats if they'd like to see me later I'll be doing a special offer.

As well as being passionate about Kelly, Nick is also very passionate about sport. Nick has played @ left back for West Essex and Gold FC. I asked his former manager, Mark *****, what he thought of Nick's abilities. He told me that he'd found Nick to be absolutely useless in every single position…and hoped that Kelly had a bit more luck.

But his latest craze is golf. Now, If you're like me you probably thought golf was just a game played by taxi drivers with too much time on their hands (LOOK AT KELLY'S DAD)………but Nick is proof that bankers play as well!

Now it's absolutely essential for Nick that he looks the part on the golf course……even if he doesn't always play the part. But there is one item……one essential item missing from Nick's golfing wardrobe…….so it gives me great pleasure to present to Nick today his first pair of plus fours (PRODUCE LAIRY OTT PAIR OF TARTAN PLUS FOURS).

Well I know Nick often plays golf with Kelly's dad John….so I didn't want him to feel left out the next time they play a round. (PRODUCE ANOTHER PAIR OF LAIRY PLUS FOURS).

Nick and Kelly met in a very, very romantic location. For those of you that don't know it Charlie Chans night club in Walthamstow is normally the hangout of wide boys and Essex girls……….so it was by pure coincidence that they met on the fateful night.

As the slow songs played at the end of the night Nick plucked up the courage to ask Kelly to dance, and the rest as they say is history. But I know since that first dance there's been a couple of questions on Kelly's mind……which I'm pleased to say I can finally answer today. (TURN TO KELLY). No, Kelly….it wasn't a gun in his pocket…..and yes,…..he was pleased to meet you.

Since then Nick and Kelly have decided to get married for better or for worse……which is quite appropriate really… as Nick couldn't have done any better and Kelly couldn't have done any worse.

Nick has been a great friend of mine over the last 12 years or so that I've known him. I've watched him grow from a tall, lanky, spotty teenager……into a tall, lanky, spotty adult. Nick's work colleagues invariably described him as a ‘first class banker’…..although I may have misheard them.

Seriously though, I feel very lucky to have Nick as a friend. He's an exceptional person and is finally getting some of the success he thoroughly deserves. Not least of which was meeting Kelly. I'm sure you'll all agree she looks absolutely stunning today.

I would like to finish by offering some advice for a successful and happy marriage. Always remember to say those 3 important little words……………..”You're right dear”

All that is left for me to do is to ask you to rise and raise your glasses to the new Mr and Mrs *****……….to Nick and Kelly.