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Speech by Matt Halmich

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Matt Halmich
Speech Date: Nov2005
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to thank M—- and B— on behalf of the entire wedding party for including us in their special day. I would also like to thank both their families and the many friends who traveled here today to make this wedding day one they will truly remember the rest of their lives together.

It's definitely an honor and privilege to be standing here as M—-‘s best man for his marriage to B—, who, I might add, looks absolutely stunning along with her bridesmaids!

My name is Matt Halmich, best friend of the groom. When M—- asked me to be his best man, it wasn't really until a few weeks later that it occurred to me there were certain responsibilities that come with the job. Planning a Bachelor party, making sure he showed up on time today, and preparing a speech that wouldn't embarrass him. Now, M—- should have known that I wasn't the man to be given these responsibilities! I thought to myself, what was he thinking??? Well, I managed to accomplish two of the three already! That's the Good thing……..M—- and I have been great friends since high school, and have shared many memories and funny stories together along the way. Some of these stories, I am not allowed to share, even with family and friends sitting in this hall. But there are a few I can share. I was thinking of some…M—- “the Italian Stallion” and “womanizer” that B— fell for from day one…..M—-, “I can cook better than the Chef Emeril” and his lean Quizeans! Or B—‘s first Deer Hunt with M—-……There is proof on their living room walls at home that he knows how to hunt and shoot trophy whitetail deer.

One story really comes to mind- Last year, their engagement day!

(Reach under the table to get stuffed animal dog with a ring attached to it's collar>Prop) M—- calls me up and says I am getting engaged this week! I said that's wonderful…..are you sure about this? I am sure, he said. It's been almost 5 years and I know this person very well. My next question was, how are you going to propose? No comment! ……..Alright, it was going to be a great surprise! M—-, being a very unique individual, had his own plans….Lilly their dog was going to be the STAR presenter! Lilly needed a new dog collar, so M—- went and purchased one. Well, with ring in hand, M—- put it on the new dog collar and waited for B— to get home….Lilly was just waiting to go crazy when B— walked in! B— gets home and Lilly must have known what was on her collar…..A very pricey engagement ring!!!!!! Sure enough, Lilly starts running around the house, into baseboards, on the living room sofa, and wouldn't slow down……M—-‘s eyes were probably as Big as the rising Sun………Oh No…..he thinks. Well, they get Lilly into B—‘s arms and M—- says, how about the new collar I bought her???…..… B—, being very acknowledgeable of the situation and says what she thinks, tells M—- “It's choking her, it's too tight!!!!!!!” Well, B— still didn't realize what was on the collar or how much Lilly really was worth that day. Again, Lilly being energetic runs around some more.… Eventually B— gets Lilly and finds the Surprise. This has to be one of the BEST stories I can remember that involves this NOW married couple, M—- and B—!

The MORAL of the story: These two really share a bond together, and no matter what, they won't let anything CHOKE the happiness they share for one another out of them.

I am very glad to have two great friends, and two great people, M—- and B—, and be a part of their commitment to each other today. I would like to share a quote for both of them.… “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

On that note, all that remains is for me to ask you to please, raise your glasses and stand once more as we toast M—- and B—. All the very best for a long and very happy marriage! M—- and B—….!!