Speech by Matt Proctor
I read through loads of the speeches on here, although I ended up trying to steer clear of too many old chestnuts. I felt that I wanted to try and be a bit more personalised, and less generic (also a lot of them are risque and I didn't know the audience too well). Despite knowing better, I ended up only starting to write this about 10days before the wedding date. I printed each paragraph onto a separate page for ease of delivery because at my own wedding I lost my place when I had a wall of text Matt
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Matt Proctor
Speech Date: 22/11/2014 15:49:18
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Matt and I'm Richard's best man.
When I was first asked to do this, of course I was honoured, although as the date approached and the prospect of the speech loomed, pride became apprehension and then a sort of creeping terror – nevertheless I've been told the best way to deal with the nerves I'm suffering today, is to think of the applause I'll get at the end of my speech and all the drinks everyone will want to buy me – so if you could all bear those two things in mind, that would be a great help – and I'll see you at the bar later.
I would like to start by thanking you all for coming today and helping to make Richard and Kimberly's wedding such a memorable occasion. A special welcome to all of you who have travelled from the States to be here
The day has been great, the service was very moving and Hall Place is a wonderful venue to finish up at. I know a lot of work has been required to pull everything together but it has all been worth it.
On behalf of the wedding party I would like to thank Richard for his kind words to the bridesmaids, Wendy and Katie, and I would like to echo his sentiments.
I think we can all agree that the bridesmaids looked lovely, the flower girls Emmie and Daisy were adorable and the page boys Brayden and Nathan scrubbed up well too – but all were quite rightly outshone by Kimberly who looks fantastic – Richard is a very lucky man.
So how do I know Richard? Well we first met in college where we shared a flat for 2 years.
Initially we were thrown together when an earlier flat share with others fell apart, and Richard agreed to let me run around all summer holiday looking for a new place while he just swanned in at the last moment. Unthinkable these days of course.
Over a couple of years we discovered a lot of shared interests, mainly revolving around computers, beer and clubbing, although fortunately for Richard today I can't recall any specific embarassing situations. I am sure they existed though, as we used to have a drink or two and then cycle from our house to Camden for a night out, then cycle back again, maybe it's best that I can't remember it.
A few years after that, I introduced Richard to a recruiter who had a role available in ITG and the rest is history. Richard acclimatised quickly to his new city, learning new uses for words such as “trunk” and “chips”.
When I went out for a trip to LA to visit soon after he arrived, he showed me all the sights in a couple of days, and then it was off to Vegas. I expect now it would be a trip to Napa instead.
LA has been good to him, being a playground in the early years when he had the energy for surfing and skiing, and also a home, and the place where he has found his soulmate.
About 15 years ago our roles were reversed and Richard was my best man – actually, I say “about” what I mean is 15 years, 2 months, 29 days, 2 hours and 32 minutes (salute to wife) – apparently the best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once!
On that occasion he reminded me of a wager I had made years before and challenged me to sing, they say revenge is best served cold – but I have too much mercy to subject you to Richard's karaoke.
So I will instead move swiftly on to the telegrams
I know you are all ready to move on to the food now, I certainly am, and so there just remains my final duty which is to toast the happy couple so please raise your glasses
To Richard and Kimberly, we wish you well for the future and a long and happy marriage.
I give you the new Mr & Mrs Froggett.