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Speech by Matthew Olney

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Matthew Olney
Speech Date: sep2002
Good afternoon, hope everyone is enjoying today

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Ali for being such a beautiful bride,
thank the bridesmaids for performing their roles so well and continuing to
look so good throughout the day and for the ushers for at least turning up

On behalf of the bride and groom, I'd like to thank everyone here for
sharing he special day
On behalf of myself, I wish you'd all stayed at home things would have been
much easier for me.

When Tim first asked me to be best man I was overjoyed, I think it is a
great tribute to Tim that there is so many other people that could be here
instead of me.

I had to be honest I was a bit clueless on what my duties as best man were
meant to be. So I consulted a couple of books and it told me to make sure
Tim got to the church on time, which he was, that he was well dressed and
looking smart which I'm sure you will agree he is, and that he got a
goodnight's sleep and I'm pleased to report he slept like a baby, he woke up
every half hour crying for him Mum.

It is wonderful to see the weather is better than Tim had predicted for
today after all he did say many times it would be a cold day that he got
married especially in hell.

I first got to know Tim when he started university, by that point he was a
young student looking to learn everything there is about medicine in
particular the effects of alcohol upon social interaction.

I remember the first time I met Tim, I was going back to my room in halls
when I heard cheering from one room. Knowing no fear I walked into the room
to see a group of 5 lads including Tim crowded around what must have been
only 6 inch black & white portable television watching a bad Italian footie
game. From then we discovered we were the only 2 guys living in a corridor
of 8 women and a Frenchman.

It was early on that I was introduced to his first love, before of course
Ali. It was the thing that touched his heart, that he shared good and bad
time with. Yes, ladies and gentlemen we are of course talking about Luton
Town Football Club. I don't think there is anyone here has spent at least 10
minutes with Tim that doesn't know about the magnificence of Mick Harford, a
stadium which rivals Nou Camp at Kenilworth Road and the joy of the 1988
Littlewoods Cup victory.

I remember one occasion when we were there to watch Southampton put 6 past
the mighty Town and the decision was made by Tim to drink to his fallen
heroes. The drinking establishment we visited was replaying the game, after a
few drinks Tim decided to give his slightly biased and very direct
commentary. I still have no idea how we were ever allowed back in there. Of
course the night was not complete without Tim bringing back up the bitter
pill of defeat having given his all for the team, and I am proud to have
been part of that experience, passed out in the toilet next to him.

Unfortunately, I wasn't present when Tim and Ali first laid eyes on each
other. From what I heard they met in a library on a Friday night both had
been there all day studying. Tim put his books down for the first time and
suddenly saw his future wife. That was the story they told there parents

What I was there to witness was when Tim was agonizing over calling Ali to
invite her out for the first time. He was pacing around the phone, trying to
work up the courage to call her. Stopped took one look up to his close
friends sitting watching the Teletubbies and he cam to the conclusion that
Ali might offer him a possible diversion away from that.

Since then Tim and Ali have been shared 6 years building a life together,
during this time I as all of you have been very privileged to witness the
magic they have as they have grown as a couple.

Traditionally the best man passes on a piece is advice about wedded life so
I'll have to pass on something that most married men in this room will have
all learnt. The best way to remember your anniversary is to forget it just

Also never be afraid that Ali will ever leave you, she spent time training
you already, she is not going to throw that away lightly.

Tim you are very lucky man marrying Ali, she is a very intelligent and
lovely person and she deserves a great husband. Thank god you got there
before she found one. Tim we have had some great times together. You have
been a great friend over the years and it is truly a great honour to be
your best man.

Anyway, that is enough of the emotional stuff, I can see even the cake is in

If you could raise your glasses to Tim and Ali and there bright future with
each other