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Speech by Melanie Letner & Corey

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Melanie Letner & Corey
Speech Date: sep 2003
My name is Corey; I'm the best man and my esteemed colleague here is Melanie the maid of honor.

When Mike and Aimee asked us, 17 months ago, to be their best man and maid of honor, I don't know about you but I was pretty excited. And then I remembered I have to give a speech. Well I started to think about writing something last Tuesday.

So I said to myself, Self, what am I going to say? I had thought about talking about Mike and Aimee growing up. But unfortunately I didn't know them until high school Well I guess I've known Mike since 8th grade but that's close enough. And to be honest with you I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that they have actually, grown up.

Did you know that in 1978, the year Aimee was born;

The Smurfs appear on TV for the first time

The World's first test tube baby is born

‘Grease’ starring John Travolta is released and

Space Invaders the first ever arcade video game is launched

And in 1979 when Mike was born;

The Sony Walkman is launched

John Wayne died

Willie Mays was elected to Baseball Hall of Fame and

"The Dukes of Hazzard" premiered on CBS

Now, the Smurfs are back on the air on the cartoon network, last time I looked a Space Invaders arcade video game was going for about 2000 bucks on Ebay, and the Walkman has gone full circle to the Discman and now back to the Walkman again.

In high school Mike used to be the guy that had the alternative band T-shirt on with baggy jeans and shoes that were made out of tennis ball material. Yes they were even yellow. Now look at him….He's in a monkey suit….don't get me wrong, if he could find the tennis ball shoes he'd buy them again.

Aimee was the girl in track and volleyball and even in band….(cough)with me(cough)…She was also the one that stepped on a gopher and killed it. Now she is helping our domesticated little animal friends as a vet tech.

Aimee and I were in our senior year of high school when she met Mike. We have seen that they have grown from high school sweethearts to mature adults who understand that a relationship requires commitment and compromise.

Aimee and Mike have been friends of ours for a number of years now. Over the years, they have taught us the valuable lesson that friendship is the most important thing next to family. We have supported each other through good times and bad.

We have many memories of wonderful times spent with Aimee and Mike and we will cherish them forever. The fondest memory Corey and I will now have is watching our best friends marry each other.

We are all here today to celebrate everything that Aimee and Mike have found in each other- a best friend, a lover, a teacher, a playmate, a true partner for life.

So lets all raise our glasses to our best friends.

May you both continue to grow in love, not forgetting the importance of understanding, forgiveness, and tolerance. Most important, may you always remember the love that brought you together today- a love so strong that you decided to share it forever in each other's company.

Congratulations Mike and Aimee.