Speech by Michael Sheville
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Michael Sheville
Speech Date: Apr2006
I felt very privileged when Garry asked me to be his Best Man and give a speech, although I have to say I was surprised that he would want a divorce lawyer to give a speech at his wedding.
Well I was delighted to take on the job
As best man, It's my job to compliment the beautiful bride and say something profound about Garry. You wont all know him very well, and by the time I've finished this speech you may wish you didn't know him at all.
Im sure that everyone will agree that Sarah, looks stunning ….doesn't she……
Garry is a very lucky man but I would warn Garry that standing under the chuppa is the first and only time that a Jewish Wife will stand quietly smiling and saying nothing and he'll be paying for this rare moment of peace for the rest of his life.
And that really leads me right on to the profound thought I'd like to talk about. Garry has done very well indeed. But how about Sarah?
Look at Garry today and the words that immediately come to mind are "respectable", responsible, and "reliable". A true pillar of the community, a mench But has this always been the case? And is he the sensitive, modern kind of guy that Sarah deserves?
Having met Garry only about 5 years ago, I have had to do some extensive research into his background to come up with anything suitable to say to subject him to the ritual humiliation that tradition demands.
Fortunately for Garry, I came up short, or at least I should say there is nothing to tell about him that wouldn't have Sarah banging on my office door first thing on Monday morning!!
I actually first met Garry on holiday in Las Vegas, which as it turns out is quite fitting as we have been back there together every year since. I understand in fact that Garry has always been a bit of a gambler , preferring to spend the days at manchester poly working on his latest roulette system and studying the pages of the sporting life rather than the contents of his text books, pause which is probably why they threw him out!
I am however confident that his choice of Sarah is a dead cert!
Garry did of course go on to get a degree as a chartered surveyor but luckily for the public at large never managed to find employment in that profession
Before he met Sarah, Garry was always a rather shy and unassuming sort of bloke, not one to do anything outrageous or provocative so finding anything remotely embarrassing to say about him has been rather difficult. In fact the only time I ever recall Garry being chatted up was when we were on Holiday in Miami Beach. We were sitting having a drink in the hotel bar, when Garry was approached and hit on by 2 sun bronzed pause latino Pause men. Of course I made my exit at that point but understand he had a wonderful evening.
I was tempted to say something about Garry's behaviour on the recent stag trip, but I have been bound by the Rule that what goes on tour stays on tour, and besides I am sure that Sarah really wouldn't want to hear stories about Garry drunkenly roaming the streets of Tallin harassing every man woman pause and sheep in site
On a more serious note I thought Id also share with you the romantic story of Garry and Sarah's meeting which re affirmed my view that love at first sight and the Hollywood ending are not just a writers whim.
About 3 ½ years ago Garry and I signed up to go on a ski trip. We met up with the 40 or so other travellers at Brent Cross, amongst whom was the now former Miss Sarah X.
That night we had dinner as a group and Sarah introduced herself to Garry, and we proceeded to try and drink the restaurant dry. I would just like to add that the wine was complimentary, which is lucky as Garry never has been one to rush to the bar and buy a round!
Even though it was the first night they had met, there was clearly chemistry between them and a romance blooming.
Unfortunately Garry had to go home a couple of days early, and Sarah spent the rest of the week moping about with big puppy dog eyes telling me how much she missed Garry and how In love with him she was. I knew then that a wedding was inevitable and the only question was when not if although it did take Garry longer to finally pop the question than most of us expected
Garry and I have had some excellent times together and I know that we will continue to do so in the future. He has been a good friend to me over the years, and it has been a great honour to be his best man.
Going back to my earlier question: Has Sarah got herself a good deal? Well the answer is an emphatic yes and I know that the pair of them are going to be blissfully happy together.
I would just like to conclude by offering Garry a useful piece of advice: A husband's last words should always be ”OK Darling buy it”.
It now gives me great pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a toast to Garry & Sarah. We wish them well for the future, and hope they enjoy a long and happy marriage.
to the bride and groom