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Speech by Mike Erwin

Your site was unbelievably helpful in writing my speech (as you can easily tell from all the stolen jokes). The bride forgot to put her veil on just before she walked up the aisle - so ad-libbed a bit and threw that in the speech too! Speech seemed to get lots of laughs and generally well received, kept getting complements all night - though my brother did moan a bit about all the abuse lol. Hope this helps someone else out as much as the others helped me, Cheers!

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Mike Erwin
Speech Date: 27/05/2015 20:34:42

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls, for those that don't know me I am Mike, Alex's older brother and best man.  For those that do know me I apologise.

Firstly on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank the bridegroom for his kind words. You know I had a feeling it would be difficult to follow a speech by Alex, and I was right.… I couldn't follow a bloody word of it.

At this point it's also customary for me to thank the bridesmaids themselves . They all look lovely and have completed their main job wonderfully, which was getting Abigail here on time – no mean feat as I understand she put up quite a struggle – even a veil was lost in the process..

I'd also like to thank all the staff here at xxxx Lodge for all their hard work and ensuring today went as smoothly as possible.

I'd like to thank all of you for being here today, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words – it's very touching that you still decided to come.

And last but certainly not least, I would like to thank Abigail. Obviously the focus of everyone's attention today, who am sure you will agree is as graceful and beautiful as an angel.. Abigail you look like one in a million. Alex, you on the other hand look like you were won in a raffle!

Of course, there is no doubt that marriage is a wonderful thing.  It is supposed to be pure and simple, and that's what we have today. Abigail is pure, and Alex is .. well a nice guy.

Now I'm probably in a better position than most, to pay tribute to the groom…..

After all, he's been like a brother to me..

Alex was born in 8th August 1979, the year of YMCA and Do you think I'm sexy which I think goes a long way to explaining some of Alex's dance moves!

I tried to link his birthdate to some major world event, but it seems that nothing of importance happened that day… although the staff from the hospital still refer to that day as “Ugly Wednesday”,

Alex was a bit of a slow starter, at playschool he was different from all the other 5 year olds, he was 11.

At school Alex was an ideal student who excelled at many subjects, sorry I misread that he was an idle student who was expelled from many subjects.

Now Alex has quite a competitive nature, which several of us witnessed at karting recently, where he not only drove one of his friends off the road but also tried to run-over the official holding up the red flag.  To be fair it was the official's own fault – with Alex's driving – he should have been holding a white one!

From these meagre beginnings he somehow grew up into the international man of mystery you see before you today. I say mystery as I have no idea what Alex does for a living, to me a BA specialist sounds like a Mr T impersonator. Though I'd pity the fool who'd pay him for that!

As some of you may know Alex and Abigail despite having lived most of their life's only 5 miles apart and even going to the same school – first met through their work.  And it was when Alex was visiting me abroad when I first noticed that this was something more than just a normal working relationship.  Abigail phoned Alex's mobile on the pretext of work – to be met with the loving words of “keep this short this is costing me a bloody fortune”.  Now some may not think sounds like much – but you have to remember he did actually answer the call in the first place!

Although maybe not always romantic, Abigail has confessed to me Alex has always brightened up her life.…  Well she actually said he never turned the lights off but it amounts to the same thing pretty much.

Seriously though, Alex you're the best brother anyone could wish for and how much you mean to us is really impossible to put into words – though Ace is pretty close. The whole family is proud of you, and we are all thrilled to see you marrying your beautiful bride Abigail today – whose ace 2.

If you're half as good a husband as you are a brother …… then you're both are in for a lifetime of fun, laughter, and happiness.

It now gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a toast to the New Mr & Mrs Erwin .

May your love be modern enough to service the times and old fashioned enough to last 4 ever

To your Bride and Groom, Abigail and Alex