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Speech by Nick Mizen

Thanks for your help in making what could be a very hard job a lot easier

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Nick Mizen
Speech Date: Jul2005
Well done Mike that was a great speech. I ‘m now suddenly starting to think I should of got Jess to do mine for me as well .

I would like to start by thanking Mike on behalf of the Bridesmaids for his kind comments and echo the fact that they look wonderful and performed their role brilliantly. I think they deserve a round of applause.

Before I launch into my carefully crafted assassination of Mike I'd like to put to use some good advice given to me by my wife she said “whatever you do in your speech don't forget to mention Jess. And lets be honest, how could I! Jessica, you look really beautiful today and as Mike has already so eloquently explained, you have made a great friend of mine the happiest man alive today.

Now, Mike and I became friends during secondary school, where we spent most of out time getting up to all kinds of mischief before going to 6th form together, where we spent most of our time in the common room and then onto college, where we spent most of our time in the pub. During this time and the years up until now I have become to know and ‘almost’ understand Mike. For the benefit of those who don't yet know Mike as well yet, I would like to sum him up his character in a series of words. Mike is:


A perfectionist

Has great foresight

Is Very adventurous , as Jess tells me

And with that also Modest

For those of you who think you may be at the wrong Grooms wedding, relax…for in a few moments you may see Mike in a different light.

First of all Mike is a very, very loyal Friend, but also he is a very loyal employee as a few people in this room can vouch. So loyal in fact that Mike is definitely the only person I know that had a paper round at the age of 17!

Mike is a complete perfectionist, and I admire his great attention to detail. He has been lucky enough to have this for as long as I have known him, and this may have gone un@noticed if we hadn't realised on our first lad's holiday in France at the tender age of 18. It was here where Mike applied the bulk of his attention, in the form of hair spray, to his fringe. This required a 20 second continuous burst to achieve the solid effect he so desired. Luckily he has now moved his attentions elsewhere.

This is probably due to the fact Mike's fringe has moved back somewhat now though .

Unfortunately Mike can be a touch clumsy, and in the past he has been known to struggle to hold onto an object for more than 3 seconds. Anyone who has witnessed him in goal for the ‘Black Horse Hornets’ will certainly be able to vouch for this. However, the positive side of this trait is his unique foresight. One example that springs to mind was when the other 2 Ushers and I where moving house and Mike came to lend a hand. By the time he arrived everything in the house was packed safely into boxes, except the kettle, which was a veteran of moves having already survived 2 and there was no reason why it shouldn't make it through this one. Mike, walking to the kitchen and upon seeing the kettle proclaimed “there is no way that's going to survive the move” and approached the Kettle for a closer inspection. Mike then picked the kettle up and approximately 3 seconds later the kettle somehow flew out of Mikes hands, smashed into the kitchen wall and landed in numerous pieces on the kitchen floor. Truly formidable foresight!

Mike is very adventurous as I've already said and he's never scared to try something new. This was not always the case though. Mike was renowned for being adamant he didn't like something, even if he had never tried it before. The turning point of this reluctance came on holiday in Spain in the shape of Glacier Cherries, which Mike had always insisted he disliked. He eventually tried his first one after many San Miguel's, and found that he liked them so much that he didn't stop eating them until the jar was empty. A short while later he retired to the caravan toilet and did not reappear until Morning. He resurfaced the next day a bit red in the face!

Now over the years I have come to realise just how modest Mike is. The best example of this modesty took place when we were 21, at an army camp on Salisbury Plain. One night after a tough days training Mike came back to the 20 man dorm with a smile from ear to ear, breaking into a dance singing “somebody fancies me, somebody fancies me”. Everybody was intrigued but Mike kept stum on the identity of this secret lady. Now who could she be? There was only one pub nearby so that night we went to the pub as normal. Whilst we were there we saw Mike and Jessica on their first ever date. This was a first date like no other, with as least 50 rowdy squaddies watching their every move. The new love birds were dragged from their cosy corner and, if I remember correctly, were encouraged to stand on a chair in the middle of the pub and Drink the Greeny. Which as you can see is a case that a Mortar Round comes in, filled with Lager. Maybe we will have a re@enactment of this later – what do you think Mike?

This was the beginning of this great couples’ relationship.

Now with the start of any relationship you always try to impress. Mike thought he would really impress Jess by buying a bright red Vauxhall Nova… even though he was told not to buy this car by a friend of ours who was a mechanic. It looked great from a distance though! And what did he know about cars anyway. Now Mike, this car must of cost you a fortune. But it was a small price to pay to impress Jess that much that she is still here at your side today. Luckily Jess is easily impressed!

Mike and Jess complement each other very well. Jess is ambitious, highly@motivated and loves a challenge. And Mike…well…he is that challenge.

By his own admission, Mike is not a contender for the World's Most Energetic Man and he may have turned out differently if it wasn't for Jess's belief in him ensuring he returned to college to study CAD. This time not spending the majority of his time in the pub.

I have a favourite phase that I put in peoples wedding cards in work. It is “no Man is complete until he is married, then he is finished”. This is certainly not the case with Mike though as Jess's encouragement and support over the years and into the future will make sure Mike does not spend too many hours watching daytime TV ever again.

Joking aside, it is a wonderful honour to be best man today as Mike is a very special person and he is a true friend who never ceases to amaze me. Jess, you are the piece of the puzzle that makes Mike complete and he is so lucky to have found you.

Everybody is having a fantastic time today, and that's a direct result of the months of hard work and meticulous planning by Mike and Jess. Ladies and gentlemen, they have done an incredible job to make this a truly wonderful wedding, so please all raise your glasses and join me in toasting the new Mr and Mrs Smith, may you have a long and happy life together …To Mike and Jess..