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Speech by Nick Shanahan

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Nick Shanahan
Speech Date: 21/08/2011 10:51:37

This is the moment you have all been waiting for and the moment I have been dreading….… or should that be the other way round?

Well for those who know me I am quite indecisive and I actually have two speeches here…..

But which one do I read……..… This one kind to Justin….… and this one not so!!!

……..No I will go with this one..… I couldn't do that to Justin.

Ladies and Gentleman, Bride and Bridegroom, Boys and girls

It's time for ME to make my speech now and quite frankly, there is not a whole lot you can do about that!

Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank Justin for his kind words. And I'm sure you all agree they look absolutely beautiful today.

And JUSTIN..… if I know Ruth, I'm sure she will thank you personally later.

You know, I had a feeling it was going to be difficult to follow a speech by Justin……and I was quite right,.… I couldn't follow a Single word of it!

I am told the best speech makers follow three simple rules: Stand up, Speak up, then very quickly Shut up.

So I am going to try and stick to that advise….

As part of my Best-Man's research I discovered that according to tradition I am supposed to sing the groom's praises and tell you all about his many good points…

Well I'm very sorry to say, I can't sing and I won't lie!

I'm sure many of us can relate when I tell you that Justin and Martyna have been busily organising this day for the past few months.

And for those who know him, Justin is the kind of person who likes everything to be just right! He is a true gentleman and has been insistent on everything being perfect for Martyna.

As a good friend of Justin, I can let you into a little secret: Justin has been worrying a little too much about the wedding. Don't worry MATE.… I'm not going to give too much away.

So, here it is: over the past few weeks, he has been having some fairly vivid nightmares. Every night he would wake up shaking, covered in sweat. It got so bad that he had to throw his bed sheets away… Well, that's his excuse and he's sticking to it (better that than sticking to the sheets…).

Well Justin I think you can stop worrying now. I can say your nightmare HAS NOT COME TRUE

The ceremony was faultless, this reception looks amazing, and I can safely say that the waitresses are definitely NOT the girls from the Club we frequented on your stag do!

…Although it's pretty hard to tell with their clothes on!

I'm sure most of you know…Cars and bikes have been an important part of our lives……..Justin has had more cars than a breaker's yard. He's actually had more cars than hot dinners… believe it or not.

Justin is a true friend. An example of this is when I found myself stranded in the desert with a flat-tyre, whilst motor-biking in Morocco. Justin bravely battled on to find help. Four hours later, after I had finally contacted the support vehicle, I returned to the hotel to discover that despite ‘trying very hard’, all the help Justin was able find was a 3-course meal, plenty of beer and a comfy bed for himself!

Justin met Martyna in the summer of 2009. Since then, he has come on leaps and bounds

When Justin was single he'd go home to his mum's every weekend with a sack full of laundry.

Since meeting Martyna, the bag has doubled in size.

Justin and Martyna have a lot more in common than just and aversion to laundry.… It's fair to say that they both hate foreign food. Which is ridiculous as they have both just married foreigners!

I believe that marriage is a wonderful thing for Justin. It will teach him Loyalty, self restraint and control. And it will develop in him a sense of responsibility, fair-play and so many other qualities he just wouldn't need if had stayed single.

So I would just like to say to Justin; you are a lucky groom. You married Martyna who is beautiful, smart, funny, warm, loving and caring she deserves a good husband…

So thank god you married her before she found one!!

But on a more serious note, Justin is one of the most caring, honest and supportive friend you could ever ask to have. I knew that when he met Martyna, she wouldn't want to let him go. He is perfect husband material and you can tell just by looking at Justin and Martyna together that they will love each other to the end of time.

A last thought for you both.… Marriage is hard. There will be good times and bad times

My advice for when bad times come is to think back to this very moment, surrounded by friends and family.

We are not just here for the free GRUB …… Although it helps!

It takes more than two people to make a marriage work and I'd like to say on behalf of every one here today that we wish you well and support you in every thing you do.

I will leave you with this gem from Ad (look at Ad)

To keep your marriage brimming over with happiness,

Just remember: whenever you are wrong, admit it and fast….and whenever you are right, just keep quiet!

On that note I would like to propose a toast.

Please stand and raise your glasses to the happy couple.

Ladies and gentleman, the new Mr and Mrs Dowdell:

Justin and Martyna