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Speech by Nick

Everyone at the wedding complimented me on my speech. The minister said he has never heard such a great best mans speech and it was exactly how a bests man's speech should be. I even got thumbs up from the father of the bride. This site was great help and couldn't do it without it.    My tips would be: keep it short, start by thanking parents, tell One story connecting you to the groom, one story telling how/when you knew the bride was the one and happy that she's apart of your family, one joke and one anecdote.. No embarrassing stories or mentions of past GFs or debauchery.  

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Nick
Speech Date: 16/07/2013 00:29:01

Good Afternoon ladies and gentleman, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Stephen's cousin and Best Man, Nick. 

Before I begin, I'd like to ask Dena to put her hand on the table facing up and for Stephen to put his hand on top of hers. I'll explain later. And if can please hold it there until I after my speech.

 I'd like to begin by thanking everyone for participating in this celebration. I would also like to thank Tony and Connie , and Maria and David, for without whom we not have Dena and Stephen.  I would also like to express our thanks to Zia and Uncle David for hosting us today.

I can't believe we are here today, it seems like yesterday Stephen and I were playing hockey in the back yard, stickball in the street, and locking ourselves in Stephen's room playing video games for hours on end. I remember my parents used to have to literally drag me away when it was time to go home. 

As Jayson had mentioned in the ceremony, it's been 10 years to the day since Stephen and Dena had their first date. Soon after that Dena was attending holiday and Sunday dinners over noni and nono's , but I never really got to spend a lot of time with the two of them until more recently. 

Including hanging out in Cambridge, going out to dinner and at one point coming home from work playing, video games for hours on end. Just like old times. It was then I realized that my cousin had found someone that makes him happy and that we had gained a new addition to our family.

I am very proud to be best man here today. You are both generous, intelligent, and passionate people, and I know that your life together will be an inspiration to the rest of us. You are very well matched, and lucky to have found each other.

Now I'm assuming most of you are wondering why I asked the bride and groom to hold their hands together. Stephen, I just wanted to remind you that this is the last time you will have the upper hand.

Would you all please stand and raise your glasses in a toast to Dena and Stephen. To the Bride and Groom.