Best Man Speech Examples
The best man speech is usually the most eagerly awaited of all the wedding speeches. Traditionally the best man speech comes last and you’ll want to pack it with jokes, embarrassing stories about the groom and some lovely words for the wedding party. We’ve got a huge selection of real best man speeches to use as examples and loads of ideas and advice articles too!
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Best Man Speech Examples
Many thanks for running such a superb site, it is with thanks to your site that I got the ideas for my speech which I have attached below.

Best Man Speech Examples
This is a speech I did for a friend who was marrying a lawyer. I had to avoid making any comments about either of the groom or bride, as the audience included family members from a bad divorce. So I went for a more ''off the wall'' speech which just had an attempt at amusing references to their careers in law and property.

Best Man Speech Examples
My fiance has requested that I email you the best man speech he recently performed. Hitched was such a help to him in his preparation!

Best Man Speech Examples
Good morning,
I gave this Bestman speech in Ipswich on September 23rd 2006, please add it too your collection if you feel it''s good enough.

Best Man Speech Examples
Hi Everyone at Hitched!
Many thanks for the allowing me hours to trawl through your best men''s speeches, I couldn''t have written mine without you.
I''ve attached my final version which went down really well on Saturday.

Best Man Speech Examples
I read this speech and it seemed pretty successful so maybe you''d like to put it on your site.

Best Man Speech Examples
Hi – I saw that you were looking to receive speeches. Since I looked at some of yours, here’s a best man speech I did recently.

Best Man Speech Examples
I am willing to submit my speech as your website was very helpful to me