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Speech by Paul Groom

Hi Hitched, Your website saved my life, I told this speech last night and it went down a storm. I got the basic structure and a few jokes from your site and then built the rest from some anecdotes about the groom that I'd got and also phoned the grooms mum and dad and also the bride up for some more. Joke of the night 'todays ceremony has been very emotional, did you notice that even the cakes in tiers' Cheers - Paul G

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Paul Groom
Speech Date: Jul 2002
A great mind like [Groom]s doesn't come along very often – I'll never forget these words [Groom] said to me whilst we were both living in Derby nearly 10 years ago “[Best Man] – Lets go get drunk, have a dance and then get a burger’ pure genius.

No but seriously – I think you'll agree that todays ceremony has been quite emotional – even the cakes in tiers.

I'd like to say a big thankyou to the bridesmaids who I think you'll all agree look stunning today.

I have to admit that I was quite shocked when [Groom] told me that he was getting married – I actually put an advert into the local paper announcing to the girls that [Groom] was off the market and could anybody with keys to his house return them to the address below. (hold up big bag of keys) the response was quite impressive.

Its not hard to see why [Bride] has fallen for [Groom], Since being born in January 1975 he has blossomed into the grand young man you see before you.

I have known [Groom] for about 8 years now and almost immediately we became the best of friends. In a funny way our lives have been quite similar – I had a teddy bear called Henry which I was very attached to, whereas [Groom] had a toy called Panda – I have it on good advice that [Groom] never let this toy out of his site and always slept with it., well [Groom], just for you I've brought that very same Panda to see you today [hold up panda]. And another similarity – [Groom] and I were both big Shakin Stevens fans – and owned all his records – [Groom] took it one stage further though and used to do the shakin stevens dance in his living room – do you want to give us a quick dance now [Groom]? And also we both broke our legs when we were smaller, of course hes not done that for a while.

Actually I asked [Groom]s mum, Barbara, for any embarrassing photos of [Groom] and she said she had one of him naked in front of the fire eating a chocolate biscuit. I thought it wouldn't be fair to show this as it was only taken last year.

Who is [Groom] then? As a person – I'd say that [Groom] is kind, sensitive, passionate with fantastic drive for life. To prove how sensitive he really is – did you know that he cries whenever he sees a rabbit? Its strange but true. Also look at how he proposed to [Bride], he popped the question on a rooftop in Barcelona – how much more romantic do you want to be?? The fact that they both got food poisoning two days later and spent the rest of the holiday on the toilet is neither here nor there.

Its this drive for life that really impresses me about [Groom], like for example the way he met [Bride] – he had fancied her from afar for quite a while, and eventually arranged an interview with [Bride]s band for a magazine he was working just so he could talk to her, and then proceeded to email her contantly until she went out for a drink with him. But it must have worked – [Bride] tells me that on the first date [Groom] stood out like a shining little star amongt the rest and she fancied him straight away,.

As music is one of [Groom]s great passions – I have looked into what was number one when [Groom] was being born into this world – and I discovered that it was a record called ‘Come up and see me and make me smile’ Which I think you'll agree is quite sweet. [WAIT] actually I must confess, that song was number one 3 weeks after [Groom]s birth, the actual number one was Down Down by Status Quo!!!!!!

[Groom] has always had a reckless streak – whether it be surfing on shopping trolleys [hold up picture] or juggling bicycles. But this endless energy does him credit, it was only a few years ago that [Groom] chopped the top of his thumb off doing woodwork and had to wear a massive bandage the size of a tennis ball, even with this he still managed to play guitar on stage with his band. Bandage and all.

But what you may not know is that I used to be in a band with [Groom], yes, [Groom] and I both got on stage for the first time together about 7 years ago – me as a singer, and him as a guitarist. It was the most amazing experience – us both on the front line. Actually that reminds me of the time that he was going to be doing backing vocals for a song and his mic was turned up far too loud, when he first started singing all that the audience could hear was [Groom] going ‘ooooooooooooh’

Anyway – As you all know [Groom] is quite at home in casual clothes, hooded tops and jeans – but its good to see he has made the effort today. But I'm not too happy that he's copied my outfit!

Finally, I'd like to say to [Groom], I am extremely proud to to be your best man and I'm so pleased that you've found the women you want to spent the rest of your life with. I have no doubt that your love will be modern enough to survive the times and old fashioned enough to last forever.

So can everybody join me in a toast to the Happy Couple and wish them all the best in their new life together –

To [Groom] And [Bride]!!!!!