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Speech by Peter Bygrave

Here is a speech I delivered over the weekend. I reworked some of the material on your site and added some of my own It went down really well.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Peter Bygrave
Speech Date: May2007
Well…thanks for those kind words Matt and thank you for the gift.…

Well, what can I say….you can't deny it's been an emotional day…..Even the cake's in tiers!

Incidentally Kate, the cake looks fantastic, as do you and the rest of the bridesmaids, who are only outshone quite rightly by our bride. As for Matt, well what can I say, we tried our best.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Pete and I'm Matt's Brother. I just wanted to say a few words before finally handing you over to Gareth.

Rest assured though, that unlike most speeches, which are full of sexual innuendo, I've promised Matt and Kristy that if there is anything slightly risqu&#233, I'll whip it out immediately…

I'd firstly like to personally thank Matt for fulfilling mine and Gareth's ambition to dress up like Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen. Thanks Matt.

When Matt came to me and asked me to be Master of Ceremonies I said ‘What would I have to do?’

“You know” he said “Pretty much run the wedding on the day, and then say a few kind words about me at the reception”.

Frankly, I told Matt that it was a great honour to be asked, but I thought he'd be better off with someone else….then he offered me twenty quid.

I said ‘I'm a man of integrity Matt, I can't be bought!’

Then he offered me thirty quid…..and well….only a fool would turn that down!

So what can I tell you about Matt…

Well….he was born on the 1st November 1976 and I'm sure it was by no coincidence that in the same year, the phrase ‘Junk Food’ entered the English language. It was also the driest summer since 1727, which might help to explain why Matt drinks so much!

As a youngster, Matt was also a bit of a slow starter. At Playschool, he was quite different from all the other 5 year olds… He was 11……

…….and when friends used to ask Mum and Dad what they thought Matt would be when he left school. Their usual reply was “Oh, about 35!”.

To the great sadness of his teachers, Matt did eventually leave school and fulfil his lifetime ambition of joining British Gas…..A job that not only affords Kristy and him their lovely home, but also offers his friends, gas and plumbing services at very competitive prices!

Speaking of his friends. Matt has always talked very highly of them, most of whom I'd never had the chance to meet until recently.…

….But I've now had the pleasure of going away with them on two occasions, once last year and again on the stag do. Before I went, my impression was that they were an unruly bunch who like to do nothing better than drink a lot and generally make fools of themselves…..… to be honest, I was right! But… thing was apparent, and that was how close this group of friends are and how much Matt and Kristy are a part of it.

When I was researching this speech, I asked a lot of them how they would describe Matt:

One trait which everyone agreed defines Matt is his general obsessiveness. Whether it relates to his obsession with his hair, his neatness or his obsessive talking…..which coupled with his unhealthy love of a drink or two, can form a lethal combination.

I thought it was just me who'd been subjected to lengthy conversations about the the relative merits of a pressurised gas heating system…..but It appears he has inflicted that upon all of us at some time.

Matt is also a keen sportsman and through the years we have played many sports together. More recently it has been badminton but I remember back to the days when we used to play Cub Scout football, where our Dad was manager…..but to be honest, we tried Matt in every position and found him to be useless in all of them.… Kristy, I hope you have more luck than we did.

Besides his job and his success in most of the sports he has undertaken, I think Matt's greatest achievement to date has to be Kristy.…

Last week when I asked Matt what he wanted from the marriage He said ‘Long lasting love, happiness and eventually a family’. Later that day I asked Kristy the same question. She replied: ‘A Kettle and a toaster. You see guys – Some women are easy to please.

Individually our Bride and Groom are both great people..… but as a couple they are even better and I truly believe they were made for each other. I wish them all the happiness in the world. Matt has been a good brother, but also a good friend over the years, and I know he will make a good husband.

And so finally to a toast. Now with all these speeches, I thought I was going to run out of people to toast but….it has occurred to me that there are some very special people out there without whom, none of this would be possible. Perhaps the most overlooked people out there are the grandparents, and not just Matthew and Kristy's but all of ours Some who are here today and some who are sadly no longer with us… but I know that they are all immensely proud to see Matthew and Kristy getting married here today. So without further ado, please be upstanding, raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the Grandparents – without whom none of this would have been possible – To the Grandparents!