Speech by Peter Cross
Good afternoon to you all at hitched.co.uk, I was Best Man yesterday for my Brother- in- Law for the 2nd time. On looking at your website it gave me some ideas for researching the years that both the Bride and Groom were born in.I planned the speech with this in mind and read a few of the speeches on your site and thought I would send you a copy of mine to use. I hope it is of use in the future to people having to give a speech at a wedding.There are two more weddings I am going to soon so I will be listening closely to all the speakers. Many Thanks
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Peter Cross
Speech Date: oct 2003
Good afternoon Ladies, Gentlemen and kids,
I would like to thank Dean for his speech and on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind words and I think everyone would agree that Sophie & Chenise look stunning today.
Dean & Marie asked me to be the Best Man and although I have done it before on 2 occasions you still wonder what you will say on the day. It's 14 years since the last time and they were within 2 weeks of one another. So I looked at what a Best Man should do on the day now. Firstly I was meant to help Dean get dressed this morning, well if he can't do that by himself now it's really too late. That he went to the toilet before the service, his shoes are tied. I mean come on in the words of one of the most mild mannered and even tempered sporting champions of our time John McEnroe “you cannot be serious” these are things Dean should do himself it's his balls that are on the line! But then the next part is a little easier, make sure his face and hair are ok.(sorted ) basically I think a nanny is more appropriate a name than best man.
Anyway moving on Dean was born in 1963 and celebrates his 40th birthday in 3 days time. All I can say is I hope it's less eventful than my 40th. A selection of things from 1963. The hover from flymo was invented, George Michael was born, Stevie Wonder released his first album, JFK was assassinated and then there was the Great Train Robbery. In summary it means if you hover around in public places with a celebrity you may be blind to the consequences of being shot so make sure you can afford to catch the train out of there. Information of interest to Dean for the year he was born. This weekend in particular SWFC were 10th in Div.1 after beating Ipswich 3/1 goals by top scorer of the season David Layne, Johnny Fantham and Tom McAnearney.
Dean and Marie were introduced to one another by Joan (Dean's mum and my mother in law who we sadly lost just before Christmas last year). She had been instrumental in harmonizing the 4 children that are involved in the relationship and giving them all help in the areas it was required especially their schoolwork. She spent a lot of time with them and grew very close to Dan and Chenise she had already been a big part of Chloe and Sophie's life. Dean and Marie were engaged on Millenium Eve and then thoughts of a wedding were in place.
Now moving on to Marie not always etiquette to ask how old a female is so I'm not asking Marie was born in 1972 and topics of interest from the past have coincidences for the present. The No1’s of this week were Rod Stewart's You wear it well appropriate for today for the way Marie looks and the following week was Slade's Mama were all crazy now which you can probably hear from a houseful of kids. Tokens of ’72 see if you can relate any of the following, Donny Osmond and Puppy Love, Donny & Marie/Dean & Marie (The Posh & Becks of Karaoke Land). David Cassidy was also around in 72 so immediate thoughts when Dean, Marie & the kids go out for the day remind you of the Partridge Family in their bus. TV first's of the year were Mastermind, Columbo & Rainbow and soap opera Crossroads. Top film of the year and still popular now was The Godfather and new toys were roller skates. Trying to picture all that in one go conjures up thoughts of a new Lloyd Webber musical, based on Starlight Express, Dean and Marie starring as Bonnie and Clyde in Columbo rain macs on roller skates shooting up Bungle George and Zippy at the crossroads motel to the music of T Rex and Alice Cooper .I don't think it would make the West End though. Now on one final note going back to the top film of the year the Godfather when the newly weds retire to the bedroom tonight I just hope they are not sharing their bed with a horses head because it may be the one wanting his oats. Now to finish off I would like you to all stand to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the Bride & Groom.
Thank you for listening that's all from me enjoy the rest of the day.