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Speech by Richard Flower

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Richard Flower
Speech Date: 05/08/2013 21:53:48

Before I begin I would like to say how beautiful the bridesmaids are all looking, who are only out shone by Sophie who looks stunning. Adam, thanks for running a comb through your hair…

For those who don't me my name is Richard, and on behalf of everyone here today I would like to say congratulations to Sophie and Adam, and thank you both for making us all…take the day off to be here!

I first met Adam at college when we were 16. It was through mutual friends that we met but it was when we were in the same class together and it was here that our friendship blossomed, so much so that we even got separated from sitting together, which for an education centre for young adults is a little embarrassing. Adam did in fact treat college like it was school but without the uniform for a little while whilst he messed around hurting his friends with tables in geography and wasting valuable studying time to go on internet chat rooms in the college I.T suite.  One thing that I noticed at college about Adam was that he was very keen on sports, mainly football. Adam's football position is that of goalkeeper, and he even has a nick name of ‘safe hands’. It is at this moment I feel I should point out that Adam gave himself this ‘safe hands’ nickname. Now Sophie, whilst Adam may be a safe pair of hands in marriage, he has had his moments not being so safe hands when playing football, which is maybe why he didn't make it as a professional goalkeeper, but thankfully Adam did manage to concentrate long enough to get the grades to help him to go to University.

Like many students, it was once at University that Adam started to develop and try new things. Now for every success story in trying new things, there is a always disaster story, and I think you know which type of story I am going to tell to you all today. One night when we were 18, new to alcohol and going out, Adam had a had a few drinks and was quite suggestible. He and was looking to try and find new ways of getting inebriated for lost cost. A new drink was recommended by someone, who shall remain nameless for legal reasons, for Adam to try. It was this fruity, cheap, strong drink that you buy in a large bottle. It was called wine. Following this recommendation, Adam purchased a bottle and proceeded to drink it like it was going out of fashion, and then so happy with the first bottle he bought another. After several over friendly kisses given to his friends, fallings over and seeing the wine come back up out of Adams system, it was evident that Adam was not going to last the night and needed help to get home. 3 times taxi's were called by his friends, all 3 times the taxi's arrived, all three times they departed refusing to take Adam due to his sorry state. Luckily one person who wouldn't refuse to take Adam home was his father, who agreed to come and collect him. So Adam, in the front seat of his dads car, with a bucket under his chin, was driven home. Before he passed out at home, he just had enough time to see more of the wine come back out of his system out of his bedroom window. However this was not the end of his ordeal. The following morning, Adam with the hangover from hell, was given his punishment by his father of being made to clean up his mess outside his bedroom window and do gardening work all day. Now whilst Adam hasn't learnt to not drink in excess after this incident, he has at least learnt that Wine is not for him and has not touched it again since so there is a lesson learnt of sorts. His father still shakes his head in disappointment when reminded of this incident.

Now whilst becoming a young adult Adam has had several more highlights…or lowlights, depending on how you look at them, in fact it is far too many to tell the full story on. So what  I am going to do is list several incidents from Adam's life and what I would like you all to do is look at Adam, Adam wave to the nice people, and I want you all to look for any signs of guilt, or embarrassment and feel free to ask him to expand further on any of the following:

Falling asleep at Gunwharf after a night out

Having a ladies pleasure toy in his mouth

His phase of biting peoples necks

Getting lost from our group at Isle of Wight Festival and wondering around random tents at 3am

Walking into a friends private time with a lady friend, then starting an argument with his friend whilst the friend and lady were scantily clad

His holidays in Kavos. Both times.

Being a model employee at the Mountbattern Centre and Wimbledon park

and who of course can forget his self inviting naked sleepover phase

Now there is only so much nakedness, biting and winding up that Adam's friends could take, and at one stage or another, all of us have reached our breaking point with him. I wasn't sure if Adam would ever calm down, but it was around this time in Adam's life that he told me about this girl he had met called Sophie.

I remember Adam and I were at the gym together when he started telling me about this girl he had met on Christmas Eve. At the time I wasn't sure if Adam was just talking as it delayed him getting on the treadmill or lifting heavy weights, well medium weights, but as he told me more and more about Sophie it became quite apparent he was very keen on her. Three and a half years on from this moment, a lot has changed and Sophie has helped Adam settle into a more stable lifestyle. He is now a fully qualified teacher, who enjoys listening to Radio 2, and staying in, watching Saturday night TV in his favourite salmon coloured hoodie. So Sophie on behalf of Adam's group of friends, thank you for finally calming him down.

I am very honoured to be asked to be best man today, and when writing this speech I was thinking of one moment that I think defines Adam and Sophie's relationship, and to me it seemed quite obvious, which is the story of their engagement. When Adam proposed to Sophie whilst they were at their hotel on holiday, after saying yes Sophie rang her family to tell them of the news. Then after that there was no big drunken sordid celebration, they stayed in and played board games. It just struck me how humble and comfortable they are in each other's company that they can spend time together and that's all they need, no fancy expensive night out, just each other, and maybe a good game. Good thing really as those of you who know Adam like I do will know that the only time Adam will get a round in is when its under a fiver and in wetherspoons!

 I have known Adam for a long time and I can honestly say I haven't seen him happier than when he has been with Sophie. Adam and Sophie have already proved that they are a good team as their organisational skills and attention to detail is why their move into their first house went so well and why today has run so smoothly. Since Adam has been with Sophie I have got to know Sophie very well, Sophie you are one of the kindest, generous and caring people I have ever met, and it is a pleasure calling you a friend. Thank you both for letting us all share your wonderful day, and I have no doubts  you will have a wonderful marriage together.

Now can I ask you all to stand and join me in wishing the new Mr and Mrs De Caen a long and prosperous life together. Ladies and gentleman please raise your glasses to – the bride and groom.