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Speech by Rick Eastman

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Rick Eastman
Speech Date: Sep2007
Jon, Mick and I met at secondary school 35 years ago and we have enjoyed an enduring friendship. When Mick got married for the second time he obviously couldn't choose between us so made the unusual decision to have two best men. Jon and I were very honoured to take on this role the first time for either of us.

I'm pleased to say that early nerves gave way to performances that attracted compliments from many people. We were delighted to get plenty of laughs.

We would both like to say thank you to for the inspiration that we got from your site in writing our speech. Hopefully future trembling best men can adapt some of our original content.

Introducing the bride's Father

Good afternoon Ladies &amp Gentlemen, boys and girls, can you all hear me?

For those of you who don't know me I'm Jon. We have arrived at that point in the day where we must rise from the comfort of our chairs and make fools of ourselves, well some of us anyway.

I will try to postpone mine for as long as possible and hand you over to Helen's dad Peter.

Introducing the Groom

Thank you Peter for your wonderful speech. I'd now to invite our Groom Mick to say a few words.

I suggest you make the most of this speech Mick, as it will be the last time you get to speak for three minutes without being interrupted.

The Groom

The best men's speech
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I'm Rick, Mick's other best man, can everyone hear me? You will be pleased to know that I'll only be talking for a few minutes because of my throat . If I go on for too long Helen has threatened to cut it.

Jon and I were very honoured when Mick asked both of us to be best men. However like nearly all best men I'm pretty nervous about these next few minutes. It didn't help when Mick took me aside earlier and promised me that if I do a half decent job today, I'll be in the running to be the best man at his next wedding!

Firstly, we'd like to thank Mick on behalf of the lovely Bridesmaids, Abi, Yvonne and Joanne and Mick's Best Girl Karen and of course Jon and myself, for his kind words.

I know you'll agree how lovely the bridesmaids and Best Girl are looking today and what a fantastic job they have all done in helping Helen's day go perfectly.

So if I can ask you all to please stand for our first toast, which is for the Bridesmaids and the Best Girl.

The Bridesmaids and the Best Girl.

Our thanks also go to Mick's mum Ethel, and Rachel for their lovely readings earlier and last but not least to Jamie for looking after the music. watch out Chris Moyles!

Some of you look as if you could do with the exercise, so can I ask you to all please stand again for our second toast which is for Ethel, Rachel and Jamie.

Ethel, Rachel and Jamie.

We'd also like to mention, and we're sure that you'll all agree, that both the bride and groom's mothers are looking wonderful today.

The same must be said about Helen, who we think you'll also agree looks absolutely stunning.

And Mick, well he just looks absolutely stunned.

Thanks also go to Helen's mum and dad, Carole and Peter.

On behalf of everyone here we would like to thank them for inviting us to the wedding today and laying on such wonderful food through Upwaltham Barns.

Before the service this morning I was talking to Helen's Dad, and we remarked on how funny it is how history repeats itself… not twenty three years ago, he was sending Helen to bed with a dummy, … and now here we are again!

Jon, did you know that it's 35 years since we first met Mick at secondary school?

35 years? Seems longer sometimes!

That's true, but the thing about Mick is even after 35 years, just when you think you know him he comes out with something you just don't expect.

For example, one night 20 years ago he said that he wanted to go to Australia? And the three of us did.

Then a few years ago he told me that he wanted to go to America. And both of us did.

Oh and one night he even said he was going to learn to play the saxophone.
Thankfully that idea bit the dust.

Ah yes, I remember Australia like it was only. well 20 years ago. Do you recall that old van we bought to drive across Australia?

You and I used to sleep head to tail in the back and Mick used to sleep across the seats in the front.

Mick was always tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. The van used to rock back and forth like crazy. Of course he could only sleep with his arm draped over that really big steering wheel.

Did you know that when Mick got back home he didn't get a good night's sleep until he went down to the breaker's yard and bought a steering wheel which he fitted to his headboard?

Mick's always been adventurous when it comes to travel. As well as Australia and America, he's also been to Cambodia, The Philippines, Vietnam, the Gambia, Estonia, Malaysia, Canada, and the Czech Republic in fact he's got a bigger carbon footprint than Alan Whicker!
Over the years Mick and I have shared some wonderful experiences on our travels, Angkor Wat in Cambodia was just amazing, our journey across Vietnam was absolutely fascinating and the memories of our road trip to Nashville will stay with me forever.

Mick will do virtually anything in the cause of travel. One year he even phoned in sick from Langkawi in Malaysia just to extend his trip by a few more days.

And don't you think it's funny how Mick has got married to a girl who works in the Travel Industry. it must be the cheap tickets!

Mick has also always been adventurous with his food. In the pub he's more than happy to chew on whelks and cockles, he had Guinea Fowl on his stag night in Galway and he'll eat just about any fish that's going regardless of how plug ugly it looks but I'll always remember asking him what the snake tasted like in Vietnam. you guessed it, it tasted like chicken.

Mick and I used to play a lot of sport together. We both started at Erith Athletics Club when we were about 12. I used to sprint and Mick used to do the hurdles. although that's probably difficult for you to imagine at the moment.

Most of you are probably looking at Mick's build and imagining the shot putt or the hammer!

We later switched to find our true niche in sport, Division 7 of the North Kent Sunday League with Harland Social. The only reason we were in division 7 was that there was no division 8!

Mick and I fitted in well, I played in defence and Mick was a sort of midfield general but he was never allowed in our penalty area because of his habit of handling the ball.

Many of you will think of Mick as a Crawley Town supporter he is in fact a keen Evertonian. At school he always hoped that he could play as good as Andy Gray.

As well as loving his football, Mick has always loved his music in fact he used to say that he wanted to play the guitar like Bruce Springsteen.

Sadly he plays the guitar like Andy Gray and plays football like Bruce Springsteen.

Now Mick embarks on another, perhaps his greatest journey, married life with the wonderful Helen.

Obviously we don't know Helen anywhere near as well as we know Mick but since they have known each other I don't think that I've seen Mick so happy and content. Hopefully in time we will get to know Helen very well too.

Helen told me that Mick brightens up her life.

Well she actually said he never turns the lights off but it amounts to pretty much the same thing.

As we don't know so much about Helen I asked Mick to send me an email giving me a bit more insight into Helen's character and personality. And Helen replied. which proves her admission about being a bit of a control freak!

Helen strikes me though, as being one of those people who is relaxed and takes life as it comes, very much like Mick.

She also enjoys travel, is partial to eating food that Dr Gillian Keith would have a field day over and has a great love of the sea. I can see why Helen and Mick are so well matched. So it's only natural that she wants to live her life Howard's Way!

Helen however doesn't like bad spellers and. grammerists. she also doesn't suffer fools gladly, so Jon that's both of us done for isn't it?

Over the years Mick has had the occasional ups and downs like we all have.

The thing with Mick though is there's no drama, no histrionics, he just dusts himself down and gets on with life.

That is one of Mick's great qualities, along with being solid. and reliable. and honest. and gentle. and funny. He's a great mate to have and he will, we're sure, make an equally great husband.

One thing to remember Mick and Helen, is that &quotthe perfect partner is not someone you can live with, it's someone you can't live without.&quot
And I believe that nugget of wisdom applies to you.

Before we finish we have a few messages to read out

So to end, its gives Jon and I great pleasure, not to mention a little relief, to invite you to all stand and raise your glass in a toast to Mick and Helen, the new Mr and Mrs Howard.

We wish them well for the future and hope they enjoy a long and happy marriage.

Mick &amp Helen