Speech by Rob Pye
Evening, If possible could you include this in your example groom speeches section. I made it at our wedding on the 7th October 2006. Would be great to know what others think! Thanks! Rob...
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Rob Pye
Speech Date: Oct2006
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to thank Austin for those kind words and both Jenny and Austin for the love that they have both shown me over the last 4 years. I don't know who was more surprised that first night when Lucy brought me home without warning, when they were sitting there ready for bed, one in a silk nightie, satin bath robe and fluffy slippers..… And to be honest I can't remember what Jenny was wearing!
On a serious note – thank you both for welcoming me into your family and home and making me feel so comfortable in it. If Lucy and I can build a home half as welcoming and loving as yours then we will both be very proud.
On behalf of my wife and I…….we'd like to thank you all for coming here today and sharing our special day with us. There are times when it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us this is one of those occasions. You are our most dearest friends and family who mean so much to us and with whom we have both shared some incredibly special times and experiences over the years. You have all formed part of the people that we are through the lives you have led with us and we are honoured that you have joined us today. We hope that you're enjoying it every bit as much as we are and we'd like to thank you for your kind wishes cards….presents and support.
The next thank you is mine and it is to my beautiful wife. Thank you so much for saying Yes and for everything that you have done for and given to me during our four years together, especially thank you for our wonderful son, Aiden and in advance for our next arrival, due in six months, I am sure that he or she will be just as perfect as their big brother. As one of my closet friends, Robin once said during the drive up to Alton Towers some 2 years ago “Everyone should have a Lucy” and I have never heard a more true and accurate statement – Thank you.
My next thank you is to Jenny and Austin for raising such a beautiful and caring daughter and for entrusting her into my care I promise to love and protect her for the rest of our lives and will endeavor to make you as proud to have me as your son-in-law as I am to be so. Thank you for everything that you have done to organise today, which I am sure everyone will agree has been amazing so far, with the rest of the evening still to come. As a small token of our appreciation we would be grateful, Jenny, if you would accept this gift.
Now to my parents, Carole and Terry – thank you both for bringing me into the world and for raising and caring for me. It is only as I grow older and wiser and start my own family that I can now fully appreciate the sacrifices you made for and love you have given both Helen and I and only hope that you are both as proud of me as I stand before you today, as I am to have you as my Mum and Dad. I love you both very much and would like to thank you, Mum, with this small gift.
And now to our wonderful and special page boys Ben and Aiden. I am sure that you all agree that they have both done a great job today and both look very smart in their shirts and waistcoats! From Auntie Lucy and Uncle Rob, Mummy and Daddy we would like to present you with a little present each and thank you both very much.
Next I'd like to thank Kevin for agreeing to be my best man we've been friends for about 8 years now. We have worked together in stores both as junior and senior managers, have shared many a drinking session and I'm sure Kevin probably has something about those in his speech! However I do feel it is my duty to point out to you NOW that Kevin has a very rare medical condition that makes him prone to embellishment. This means he often invents the most bizarre stories and believes them to be totally true. So please please bear this in mind when he starts to speak shortly.
Seriously Kevin, thank you for everything you have done, not only in preparation for today and today itself but also for the last 8 years that we have been mates and I would be honoured if you will accept this as a token of my appreciation.
And lastly then, but in no means least, I would like to thank our bridesmaids Helen and Claire for both looking so lovely and also for doing a fantastic job in looking after Lucy today. We would like to give you both a gift each as a token of both our appreciation for everything you have done – Thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in time honoured tradition I would be grateful if you could all be upstanding and join me in drinking a bumper toast to the bridesmaids!
That's me done so I will now hand you over with much trepidation to Kevin, my best man, who is going to say a few kind words!