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Speech by Sean Moyles

Thanks for all of the assistance in putting this speech together - this site was immensely helpful. Please feel free to pass this one on to your users - I hope that they will find it useful. It got a few laughs, most of which were intentional. Additionally, the Maid of Honor (Kelly) took care of all the "Thank Yous" for the both of us during her interlude. Enjoy!

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Sean Moyles
Speech Date: Apr 2001
Todd, you may want to have a seat.

If you would have told me, 2 years ago, that I would be here today, speaking at Todd Xxxx's wedding reception . . . I would have told you that you were crazy.

Vegas wouldn't have taken odds on that much of a longshot.

But, then again, we were dealing with a much different Todd.

Jen, seeing your influence on Todd has been nothing short of amazing. I don't know if you knew what you were getting yourself into on that fateful night when you and Todd first met – when you first connected in that Internet chat room for “Tampa Lonelyhearts . . . .”

I'm kidding of course – where do you all think they met? I think someone said “some cheezy local nightclub” – yes, of course.

But anyway, as Todd mentioned last night, he believes that the two of you were brought together by fate, or destiny – only that would explain you even noticing Todd with his much more attractive and charming best friend there at the bar with him.

But, I digress. As I was saying, the way that you have taken this little hooligan, and somehow shaped him into a somewhat respectable young man – I don't think the phrase “iron fist” is too strong.

I think a lot of that comes from you being a real break from Todd's past. I think Ashley put it rather delicately last night when she noted that a few of Todd's selections before you came along were “questionable,” and . . . I think I'll leave it at that. Things have always come easily for Todd. The way you resisted Todd's considerable charm and played hard to get – with that other guy at Hydeaway, for example – These are things that Todd really wasn't used to. Todd used to tell me that you washed your hair quite frequently in the early days – especially on Friday and Saturday nights.

While your influence on Todd has been remarkable, I don't think that you've crushed all of the life out of him – I'm sure that Todd's beautiful tuxedo is hiding a ratty coral necklace.

Which brings me to another subject – when Todd first let me know that they had selected a date for the wedding – April 28 – I of course remembered that that date commemorates the 212th anniversary of the mutiny on the Bounty. As you all of course know, Captain William Bligh, the captain of the Bounty – a strong, proud leader of men – was overthrown by his first mate – stripped of his position, rank and pride – and set adrift in a tiny lifeboat. But I'm sure that Jen picking this particular date was just a matter of coincidence.

And I think that my ramblings have brought us up to this date – so on that note, I'll turn things over to Kelly.

Now that we've gotten the requisite groom-bashing taken care of, I will shift gears a bit. Todd, I love you like a brother – a shorter, thicker, little brother. It's been a great honor to be your best man, and I can't tell you how happy I am for the two of you.

Todd, you've finally found, in Jen, a woman who is your equal – or better – in so many ways. She's beautiful, sweet, intelligent and funny. She deserves a husband who is also intelligent, handsome and special – luckily for all of us, you found her first.

If you would all now please join me in a toast to Jennifer and Todd Xxxxx.