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Speech by Sean Rooney

your site is a godsend,i will be doing this speech with my mate at a wedding on friday. I'm really nervous,but I think my friend(who loves macdonalds)will like it...

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Sean Rooney
Speech Date: Aug 2001
Ladies and Gentlemen: Good Afternoon, my name is GARY and this is my partner in crime SEAN . We are the best men, we are a double act, some people may even say were artiste's but I think you'll all realise what kind of artiste's we are later on this evening.
It is slightly different to have 2 best men, I like to think that were such good friends that STEVE wanted us both to be by his side on this special day.
SEAN reckons its was just to make him look good on the photo's

steve said if we do a good job,we can be best men at his next wedding

On behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank steve for his kind words, and I have to say they look absolutely wonderful and have done an excellent job today.

i would also like to add that kim is looking wonderfull today, …shes had a hard week leading up to the wedding,not many people know this,but she had her credit card nicked on monday…..steve is not reporting it to the police coz who ever nicked it is spending less than her !!


i first met steve about 10 years ago,just after he had met the love of his life (look at kim)…i dont mean kim,im talking about macdonalds of course!!

he only went to macdonalds 5 times a week,in them days.

steves idea of a balanced diet,was a big mac in each hand !

we used to play football every thursday for about 5 years,steve was crap in every position we put him in….hope kim has better luck on the honeymoon.

talking of the honeymoon. i dont know if you all know,but steve came up with this story that he had to cancell his honeymoon in sri lanka,because of terrorist bombings…i know the real reason..he cancelled it himself…he found out last week that sri lanka is one of the only countrys that doesnt have a macdonalds !!


but seriously though !!

steve is a really wonderfull bloke,being his cousin,ive known him all his life,and it is a honour to be one of his best men here today.

i remember when we were kids,we used to go round to each others houses and beat each other to a pulp,it was quite good practice really for when we were in the queue at macdonalds.!

we used to go shooting together most weekends,i started to get worriedwhen i heard that he had spent 3 weeks naked in his bedroom with a hammer,a world war 2 helmet and a sackfull of combat paint.

but seriously though !!

i remember one night over eleven years ago,we were in menorca on a family holiday,steve wanted to go for a walk,just the two of us,personally ithink he was just looking for a late opening macdonalds,but there you go !,
we ended up on a deserted beach,listening to waves and looking up at the stars,steve said to me

i ve met this gril called kim,i cant stop thinking about her and i dont know what to do.
well having known kim myself now for all the years shes been with you,i think today is the best decision you have ever made.…

i know also that steve will look on today as a millstone……..sorry mile stone in his life..


now steve an kim are married, ithink its only fair,that any old flames of steves who still have keys to his house,should return them to me and i will give them back to steve……

Before we finish we would like to ask steve and kim to Participate in the speech now. kim if I can ask you to place your hand flat on the table . . . steve, it's now your turn. Place your hand directly on top of KIMS . . . I hope that you are enjoying that STEVE as it is the last time that you will have the upper hand.


hurry up back from your honeymoon,coz we all miss you so much…..from macdonalds ashton

dear kim we are so upset you are marrying stve and not us…tom,dick and harry.

So ladies and gentlemen, , I invite you to all stand and raise your glasses in a toast to kim and steve, the new Mr and Mrs fraser. We wish them well for the future and hope they enjoy a long, happy and fruitful marriage together. steve and kim