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Speech by Sheba

I am an expat from Bromley, Kent and found your web site amazingly helpful. I am the mother-in-law of an Ecuadorian bride whose mother did not speaky zee English too well so I arranged EVERYTHING. The speeches were an important feature and although my penmanship is second to none, I confess to cutting and pasting from some of the speeches found. Many thanks for the input and I am pleased to email you the final draft!!! Cheers! Toronto, Canada

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Sheba
Speech Date: oct 2003
Well here I am – the Best Man at this celebration and saddled with the Best Man's Speech. There is such a huge expectation about the Best Man's Speech so although I am quite nervous I intend to entertain you.

In fact you can help me out a little right now.. Will you do that?

Sorry didn't hear you, a little bit louder please..… (wait for audience


Good. First, can you all just shift up to the end of your seat please?

Next, this left side all shouts a big Ooooh.

And finally nice and loud, the right side says Ahh

Absolutely great… I told Sean I'd do a speech that would have

everyone oohing and ahhing on the edge of their seats!

This has been a most emotional day – even the wedding cake is in tiers!

But first and foremost. What a stunning set of bridesmaids – congratulations on a wonderful job and the Ushers, don't worry you guys look good too. . And our delightful flower girl Diana and our handsome ring bearer Andrew – give them a hand.

And such an exquisite bride and groom! Don't they just light up the place.

Now Gaby please place your hand on the table in front of you. Now Sean put your hand on top of Gaby's. Now I want everybody in the room to bear witness to the last time that Sean has the upper hand!

It is here that I am traditionally supposed to dis the groom and he is compelled to sit there and take it all like a man. Sean and I are old high school buddies and like all friends have been through the good and the bad. As a child I am told he suffered a serious ailment – there's a name for it today but back then his mother called it "Bloody hell – can't you sit still in one place for five minutes".

There was the Superman phase when Sean believed he could do anything that Superman could do – a hairline fracture to his arm after trying to fly off the top of a tree proved otherwise, quickly followed by slamming a car door on his hand and bewildered by the pain that it actually caused. I'm told there was the time he was convinced he could exit the house through a window only to fall head first into his mother's well manicured petunias – To this day one of Sean's favourite garments is his Superman T-Shirt.

Then there was that "show business" phase of his life when he would drive most directors nuts because he could never stand on his "mark" for more than twenty seconds. I am told that a Burger King shoot took 65 takes and later on, a stand-in assignment had him volunteering to scale a 100 foot catwalk violating every union bi-law known to ACTRA. He took great delight sitting down with David Karadine and had the nerve to demonstrate his own karate skills to the master of them all. He didn't care if you were a Robert DeNero or an Al Pacino – he would wander right up to them and introduce himself and speaking of Al Pacino there was that Godfather stage that he suffered us all through If he demonstrated his take on the Marlon Brando interpretation once he did it a hundred times – I think I have seen the Godfather a hundred times through Sean's eyes. Give it up buddy!!! Copolla had it right the first time.

Then we come to that phase when Sean really learned to fly without that Superman T-shirt. He was a surprisingly quick learner and thanks to a government grant and the deep pockets of his father which are sadly now full of holes, he earned his wings. I had the courage or the stupidity to go up a few times with him. Most occasions it was a thrill but there were times when I felt that I must be crazy cruising the skies with a rookie. However, I am ever grateful to his flying skills which made it possible for me to be here today to verify that Sean is indeed a skilled aviator. I've decided to keep my feet on the ground for awhile.

Sean has always been masterful at the practical things in life. He had little love for the school books and despite his obvious loathing of the school structure, he managed to graduate high school and is now assisting other pilots take to the skies as the pursuit of his commercial license is put on hold in order to build a foundation for a family.

I would like to propose a toast to our Bride and Groom. However, I would like to take a few minutes to start Sean and Gaby on the path to a happy successful union, with just a few suggestions. Sean you need to sharpen your skills on MIND READING……at no time and under no circumstances will the female let the male know what she wants. The car is empty……….Go fill it up, who cares if the hockey game is tied. I need wedding shoes….the other 40 pair are the wrong shade of white……

Gaby. You need to remember.… Men never need to ask for directions they just drive until they find the place….The correct position of the toilet seat is always up…..and don't mess with the T.V. remote … it's a guy thing.

But on a more serious note. Always love each other. Always respect each other; always be there for each other; and remember that a bride and groom are indeed best friends. For good friends, come not with time, but with trust!

Please stand and raise your glasses in a toast. May the best day of the past be the worst day of your future; May good fortune precede you; May love walk with you; May good friends follow you; May you be friends to each other as only lovers can, and may you love each other as only best friends can; May you grow old together on one pillow; and May all of your ups and downs be confined to the bedroom. Sean and Gaby – Enjoy the moment.. for as this moment is, may your life be. filled with happiness, love, excitement and one day be blessed with the pitter patter of little feet.
To Sean and Gaby