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Speech by Steve Conlin

I am willing to submit my speech as your website was very helpful to me

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Steve Conlin
Speech Date: Oct2005
Good afternoon everyone

I have one or two things I'd like to say and many people to thank,

So please sit back, relax Loosen your clothing if it helps – but don't start trying to loosen anybody else's -It's not that kind of party.

So, I'd like to start my speech by saying, On behalf of my wife and I………..… We would like to welcome you all here today,

Thank you for coming we are both very happy that you could be with us to help celebrate our big day.

Today, so far has been a day beyond my wildest dreams. They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you can't live without, which is very true with Faye.

I thought I had prepared myself quite well for today but nothing could have prepared me enough for when I saw Faye walk down the aisle. I thought my legs were about to give way from underneath me. Never have I seen her looking so beautiful. I was overwhelmed to the say the least.

I should be used to it now as Faye always dresses to kill, its just unfortunate that she cooks the same way.

So my first thank you goes to Faye, my Best friend, my love and my bride. You look absolutely gorgeous, like a Princess.

I realize that I'm getting the best of this deal, because I get you

While all you get is me!

So I would like to drink my own private toast to you and to our future together. I know that today is the result of the best decision I have ever made, and I'll try my best to make sure that you can say the same thing.

It has to be said, Faye has been rather more involved than I have in planning today, and I'd like to congratulate her on a fine job… now that's not from me trying to plan its just that I'm sure Faye will back me up here I'm crap at anything like this.

Just once in a lifetime, you get the opportunity to say exactly how you feel to the people you really care about. I would like to take a few moments to express my feelings towards a few very special people.

Firstly I would like to thank my mum. She has been over-protective of me all my life it's probably now a good time to cut the cord. She has proven to me that if you put your mind to it, you can actually accomplish anything. For all the times you went without for me and for all that you taught me, I thank you mum.

Dad, well what can I say…My father has always been a pillar of strength and consistency, from growing up as a child to who I am today Dad has always been there when I needed him. I'd also like to think he passed on his footballing genes to me, but I'm sure he'd admit I'm a better golfer than he is. Thank you Dad for all that you have done for me.

I would next like to thank my in-laws Phil and Jeanette for their warmth in welcoming me into there family,

Phil it must have been a joy to actually get another male in your house from time to time, I'd personally like to thank you for everything you have sacrificed to make this day possible, I'm sorry you had to miss Silver stone but there always next year but I've heard there's a T.V in the bar.

I'd like to echo that from Faye and myself for your generosity in making this day happen for us and special thanks for helping Faye with all of her preparations and I know Faye would like me to add she couldn't wish for better parents and wouldn't be half the person she is today without you.

Jeanette I think we can all agree that your relationship with Faye is one to be admired and you know I really do think of you as my 2nd parents. You welcomed me into your family from day one, and have fed me ever since and for this I thank you.

I would like to give my mother and mother in law a token of our appreciation. FLOWERS.

We have had many people come a long way to share our day today, Thanks to you all for putting aside your own lives to be a part of our special day.

We would also like to acknowledge our Grandparents who sadly aren't with us today…….… We know their looking down on us and would have enjoyed everything about today.

On a lighter note,

To Faye's bridesmaids and sisters Katy and Ella, this is the only time I am going to say this so you better listen… You both look stunning…

It makes a change for Katy to have an outfit that doesn't represent a belt and Ella not have something with Animal on it. I'd like to give you a special thanks to you both for giving Faye all the support that you have in the run up to the wedding and being the sisters you are.

Now before I precede I would also like to thank the parents of the bridesmaids and pageboys in their support today, in making them all look as lovely as they do.

A massive Thank you to Becky, Alicia and Alison who look fantastic today and have done a tremendous job.

And to my pageboys, Jake, Rob, Josh, Dominic, Alex and my little star Jack well done to you all. You all almost look as cool as me with shades on But I'm afraid you all have a bit to learn on that front but well done, good effort and thank you.

And to our only Usher for today Carlos all the way from wickersely, thank you for everything today.

If all the Bridesmaids, Pageboys and Carlos would come up to the front where we would like to present you with a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today.

Moving on from that we would also like to thank all of our friends for being here today. I never knew any of you brushed up so well. Whilst it's amazing the lengths some people will go to for a free party, it's really great to see you all here.

Which brings me to the subject this man has been wanting me to put off – my Best Man Geoff he's done a great job today in getting me all organised this morning.

I did the deed of being Best man for Geoff a few weeks ago and know exactly what he's going through right now, I'm also about to probably find out whether I did a good job or not I would also like to show Geoff a token of our appreciation in presenting him also with a gift today. Geoff's Prezzie

I'd like to thank Simon and Becky for the photography and flowers you been fantastic.

So, I'm just about done we thank you again for being here today, for the wonderful gifts and generosity, for your good wishes and most of all for your friendship to us both, now and in the future. We hope you all have a wonderful evening.…

Now to finish off would you all be upstanding and join me in a toast to my beautiful bride, the love of my life…to Faye.