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Speech by Steve Tugby

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Steve Tugby
Speech Date: sep 2002
Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentleman.

For all of those who don't know me my name is Steve Tugby. Close friends call me Tugs &
Various other choice names but we won't go into that.

I would like to thank you all for coming today & helping to make Mike & Toni's day such
A memorable occasion, though personally I wish you'd all stayed at home & made my job a lot
Less nerve raking.

I'm sure that you will agree that this is likely to be a very emotional day for everyone involved as even the cake is in tiers! Before I carry on with Mike's character assassination ,can I take this opportunity to thank
Him on behalf of everyone involved today for his kind words.

I have succeeded in my first duty today that of getting Mike to the wedding, sober, on-time
& Eventually married.

My second duty was to ensure that on his last night of freedom he arrived safely home & not on the late night train to Aberdeen.

The best mans speech wouldn't be complete without a few choice words about the groom but
I'll try to do it with minimal embarrassment.

I have known Mike ever since I can remember & he has always been a sincere stand-up
Individual (that was until he got to the age of eighteen and started drinking & consequently
Hasn't been able to stand up much since!)

We have had many good times together (some of which are too embarrassing to tell you about,
& most of which I genuinely can't remember due to the amount of alcohol involved.)

I will never forget about ten years ago when Mike managed to get us stranded in Belfast
Overnight at the height of the troubles with no change of clothes & no British Money. We had
Gone to Dublin for the weekend & had travelled up to Belfast for the day.

The last train back was about 6pm but unfortunately we missed it due to Mike's failure
To drag his drunken ass out of a pub called the Dunbar Link prior to the train departing.

Without going into too much detail I would just like to say that the next 12 hours were eventful!

I would just like to enlighten you further with just one more example of Mike's drunken early
Years (which Toni now informs me are all most definitely in the past)

We had gone a trip to Newbury races & had stopped at Basingstoke on the way back.

As we boarded the coach Mike was no where to be seen. So we held the coach up & searched
For him but with no success. Upon arriving home I went to Mike's house to break the bad news
That Mike had gone AWOL to Bob & Vera,& to explain that we didn't have a clue where he was!
Only to be informed that he was in bed fast asleep. Apparently after he had gone walkies he had
Decided that he was in Lordshill & not Basingstoke & had phoned his brother John to go & pick him up who had foolishly agreed!
There are many more such amusing moments in Mike's past but I think perhaps I've
Recalled one to many already!

On a more sincere note, I would like to thank Mike for asking me to be his best man and thank
Him for all his friendship over the years. You can count your true friends on one hand & he is certainly
One of those.

I would just like to finish off now by giving Mike & Toni a little bit of advice for today & that is enjoy
The moment because it will pass very fast & remember it's not the happiest day of your life but one
Of many such as the birth of your future children or Saints winning the F A Cup.

Well that's it Ladies & Gentleman so would you all please stand & raise your glasses with me &
Wish the bride & groom all the happiness they deserve!

Mike & Toni, The bride & groom.