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Speech by Tam Nguyen

Hey there, My name is Tam Nguyen, With help from your site i was able to make this speech on Saturday, August 11th, 2001 for my best friends wedding. Thank you very much, your site is greatly appreciated. Please email me back when you receive this email. Thanks again. Tam Nguyen

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Tam Nguyen
Speech Date: aug 2001
Good Evening Ladies and gentleman, my name is Tam Nguyen and it is my honour to be Ryan's best man today. I would like to thank everyone on behalf of the Bride and Groom who came today to help make this day special. Also on their behalf I would like to thank their parents for having helped realize this day.

A special thanks goes out to Cheryl for having fashioned most of bridesmaid dresses herself. And I am sure we can all agree she did a wonderful job, as all the bridesmaids look beautiful.

I personally would like to thank all the members of Ryan's wedding party and his good friends for all their help in showing Ryan a great time at his bachelor party. Definitely one of the proudest moments in our friendship came about that night. It doesn't get any better when you're watching your best friend so drunk he can barely stand, howl at the strippers, spank his ass at a strippers command and to later watch him puke all over himself…only to be brutally hung over the next day. Nothing beats that, especially from someone who prides himself on not drinking.

I was a little nervous when I found out I was the best man. But I was more bothered with the title of “Best Man”. Saying that I'm the “Best Man” is saying quite a bit. If I'm the “Best Man” why the hell is Sheila marrying Ryan??? So I'm just happy saying that I am a pretty good man….because tonight Ryan is the best man.

I guess I should also say some things about the bride and the groom:

About Sheila…
Sheila is an incredible, beautiful, intelligent, caring and generous woman. And now a soon-to-be successful computer programmer. She has been a great friend to me despite me stealing a lot of Ryan's time away from her. And today she looks absolutely beautiful.

And then we have Ryan…
Despite Ryan being a rude, hotheaded, impatient, arrogant, and flippant, he is the best friend I could ever ask for. He has always supported me through everything I have done and has always encouraged me to do good. He's opened his life and his family to me which I appreciate as they're all wonderful people. He's opened me up to golf, which we both enjoy, though thankfully he hasn't given me his swing. Ryan has been nothing short of a true friend and am thankful to have him as my best friend.

And with the two of them together, they have made a great impact in my life.
Because of them I don't work a dead end job.
Because of them I am in school pursuing a career.
Because of them I feel I am a better person.

So today is indeed a special day, despite the fact that I am losing a golfing partner, the two most important people in my life are now finally married. And in that they build my perfect definition of love.

It is an honour to be Ryan's best man, and I am proud to be Ryan and Sheila's best friend and we all wish you both all the happiness you deserve. I love you both. So if everyone could please raise their glasses to help me toast the happy couple…

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart…So…to Ryan and Sheila.