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Speech by Tommy Daly

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Tommy Daly
Speech Date: oct 2003
Thank you for the welcome.
This being one of my first attempts at a public speaking and all, In preparation for today I was rather worried about how long the speech should be so, I asked around and the general consensus was that it should go on for about as long as it takes for the groom to perform his manly duties in the bedroom. So with that, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much, you've been a great crowd…

Seriously, though, and most importantly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Falvo, for all of their loving preparations, for making this day everything it could be and then some, for raising such a beautiful person in Jen, and for accepting Joe into their family. Equally as important, I would like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Robert Currao, for all that you have done for Joe and Jen, and for all that you did to ensure that today was the most memorable day of their lives.

As you can tell, I am fairly nervous speaking in front of you all today. Joe however, was not nervous at all. He's been nothing but a figure of calmness and readiness. For example, This morning, he told me that he slept like a baby last night…the truth be told, he woke up every 30 minutes crying for his mommy.

So Joe and Jen finally got married, for better or for worse, which is quite appropriate as Joe couldn't have done any better and Jen couldn't have done any worse.

My buddy Joe was born in Brooklyn on the 12th of December 1974 and as I've been told, he was one ugly baby. — It's true; I know this because Mrs. Currao's told me that her morning sickness didn't start until after Joe was born. I'm playing of course.

I met Joe 18 years ago in August of 1985. I remember Joe, myself & others including our good friend George Codd, spending endless days doing the things that kids do. I remember always being on opposite teams as Joe, I remember arguing with Joe like boys often do, I remember hanging out with opposite friends… come to think about it, I remember not liking him much at all (Joe's been waiting for me to admit that). We ended up going to separate high schools, and losing touch somewhat, as young friends often do. We never really saw much of each other during those years.

Years later, I remember running into Joe. He said that he was going to call me that Friday and that we would hang out. I figured he was just making small talk, but I was wrong. Joe called that weekend, and the weekend after, and the weekend after that, and I haven't been able to get rid of him since. I'm glad that he did though because the last four or five years have been filled with some of the best moments of my life courtesy of this guy right here.

What I learned from my friendship with Joe is that sometimes the people that we think we are so different from when we are young… just might turn out to be the people that we have so much in common with.

Joe quickly became my right hand man… a friend who I know will always be there for me. He actually became more then a friend, he became family. Joseph, I am honored to be here with you tonight, and I am honored to have met that kid I didn't like too much back in the summer of 85.

Well, let me fast forward to Joe & Jen. I was there the night they met, I've watched their relationship grow, and I remember that it was not too long after that Joe was convinced that Jen was the one for him, and I was convinced that he was one lucky guy.

Things moved along nicely between them, and everyone had their fingers crossed for the happy couple. Then in Central Park last summer, Joe bent down to tie his shoelace… Jen jumped to conclusions and… well here we are today.

Jen. With you, there is so much I could say, however I couldn't come up with the perfect words. So I reached for a Thesaurus and looked up the word "lovely". There I found four words that describe you perfectly – beautiful, charming, delightful and enchanting.

Jen, on behalf of everyone here, I must say you look absolutely stunning today. You're a wonderful girl, you have such a big heart, and a warm soul, you're a girl who truly deserves a great husband. A husband who will care for you, and look after you for the rest of your life.

Joe, great job getting her down the aisle before she found one.
To be called a best man on a day like this is somewhat of a paradox. For today belongs to only one man, and that's you, Joe. No matter the size and liberality of the thoughts and tokens provided to you today, you have already attained the greatest gift a man can wish for; the love of a woman as beautiful and as caring as the one by your side.

Joe, you leave here today having gained a wife that is warm, loving, and caring, a wife whose outer beauty is surpassed only by her amazing inner radiance.

Jen you on the other hand, leave today with, well a gorgeous dress and a lovely bouquet.
At this point, I would like to ask Joe & Jen to help me with a little something.
Jen, if you could take your hand and place it flat on the table.
Ok, Joe, take your hand and place it on top of Jen's hand.
I hope you enjoyed that Joe, because that my friend, is the last time you will ever have the upper hand.
As is customary, I should leave the groom with wise words, to help in your marriage. Since I am a bachelor, I have little experience to speak from, but I hope these help anyway:

Always remember those three little words that are so important in every marriage…."You're right dear".
And also, under no circumstances will you ever swear at your wife … if there are ladies present.
Seriously though, in searching to find a pertinent closing thought, all were overshadowed by the validity of the following:

"You don't marry someone because you can live with them, you marry them because… you simply cannot live without them."
And let me finish by relaying an experience a friend of mine had on his wedding day. He told me that after the wedding, in the honeymoon suite, he handed his wife his pants and told her to put them on. This she did and said, "I can't wear these they're too big", to which he said, "Exactly, I wear the pants".

She then threw him her dress, telling him to put it on, to which he replied, "I'm not getting into that", and she came back with "and you never will with that attitude!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, my throat was dry when I began this speech, it's even drier now… and I can think of no better remedy than to drink to the health, wealth and eternal happiness of the newlyweds.

So please raise your glasses to drink a toast…
to the new Mr and Mrs. Joseph Currao.
Here's to love, laughter
and happily ever after.
Congratulations, we love you both.