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Speech by Tony & Lisa Moss

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Tony & Lisa Moss
Speech Date: jan 2003
We're gathered here today to watch Tony agree to a lifetime's worth of housework and pampering! I wish but i can only hope. I know everyone has been thanked tonight by at least one person, but i have a few special thank yous to say of my own.
My First thank you goes to my father, i thank you for bringing me up the way you did and im glad you did, you may have been strict about dating guys but im glad that you were strict otherwise i might have done worse than Tony. Also i want to say a thank you to My mother for being the one to let me do the things dad wouldn't let me do. I want to thank my in laws for accepting me into there family. Big thanks to my bridesmaids in helping me get things together for this day.
I know you all want to get back to the champagne but i have one last thank you to the 2 people that should get a thank you today if it weren't for these two people i doubt that anyone would be here today, so my biggest thanks goes to Michelle and Corinna for being friends and getting us together. Thanks Guys.
Finally, i want to thank Tony, my new husband. Tony your the most wonderful man in the world. You are everything to me, and everything a girl could ever want. You're kind, caring, loving. I don't think there's a person here this evening that hasn't told me these things about you. Thanks for being all that to me thats why i love you.
I'd like you all to raise your glasses and drink a toast..… to friends and family.