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Speech by Vooshman

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Vooshman
Speech Date: Aug 1999
My husband was best man for his older brother twice. At the first wedding, the toast to the bride and groom went like this:

"As Best Man, it is my responsibility to make the first toast to the happy couple. I diligently researched many books in many libraries to locate just the right toast. In my search, I was astonished to discover that marriage is a TRILOGY OF RINGS. When Chuck** decided that Patty was the girl for him, he asked for her hand in marriage and presented her with the first ring–the ENGAGEMENT RING. Today, all of us here witnessed Chuck and Patty vow their lives to each other as they exchanged the second ring in the trilogy–the WEDDING RING. Now, as many of you married couples will be able to attest, the third ring comes a few years down the road, after the honeymoon is over, the bills are mounting and the kids are screaming. This third ring, of course, is the SUFFER-RING!"

Needless to say, the crowd roared and the reception was a blast.

Well, that marriage ended. Chuck met another girl and plans for the second wedding were in place. The privilege of being Best Man was again bestowed upon my husband and he was not about to lose an opportunity to make another great toast. But how could he possibly top the first one? Afterall, most of the guests, with the exception of the bride's side of the family, had been at the first wedding and all were expecting great words of wisdom. Here's what he had to say:

"As some of you may remember, not long ago I gave a toast and advised everyone that marriage is a Trilogy of Rings. I must apology as I was remiss and recently found out that marriage is actually a Trilogy of KINGS–three black kings to be exact. I have brought along some visual aides as this tends to be a slow group. ( He had poster size blow ups of the three Kings mentioned below) When Chuck first met Gail, he felt very much like the late great MARTIN LUTHER KING because ‘he had a dream’ that someday Gail would be his wife. After the honeymoon and all of the fanfare of the wedding dies down, he will feel more like this man, BB KING, because ‘the thrill is gone’. Well, a few years down the road when all the kids are running around and everything is just an absolute mad house, he will feel more like this man, RODNEY KING, and he'll be saying, ‘Can't we just get along?’ "

**all names have been changed to protect privacy