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Speech by Wesley Murch

This a speech I wrote and read at my friends wedding !!   Nigel ( the groom) is a Falconer and bird demonstrator to give you a little background !!   I was asked to be his best man in a very intimate small wedding in Sorrento Italy !!

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Wesley Murch
Speech Date: 22/09/2010 10:07:23

Good Afternoon  everyone and first and foremost Id like to say thankyou to every one for coming, before we move on ill pass you to Sheldon The Father of the bride to say a few words !!
Thank you Sheldon

Before we move on id like to take a moment to say how beautifull the Brides maid's look and thank Charise, Mollie and Ruby so Ladies and gentleman Join me as we toast the the Bridesmaids!!

We have heard from The father of the bride  but I would like to just mention the Parents and say a thankyou to Silv, Mick , Julie and louis as we toast please The parents !!

Id like to start by saying a few words
Strong,Confident,Outgoing,Athletic,Charming and Single – Well now that you know a bit more about me we'll move on!!

Ive actually not been looking forward to this and would of asked Nige to get one of his other friends to do the duty but I really fancied a new suite!!

There's 2 reasons Nige asked me to be best man, firstly not everyone knows me so he can try and convince you all later that im a lier and second who better to look after 2 precious rings than some one who looks like Gollom.

I am going to keep the speech pretty short so that I dont bore anyone (After all this is not one of Niges Bird displays)

Unfortunately Abi doesent get much mention in the speech so id like to take this opportunity to say how beautiful she looks and how lucky I feel to be a part of her big day, So Abs as we move on with the Character assanation – I mean speech please dont feel left out or disappointed as there will be plenty of time for that when you get back to the honeymoon suite !!

Well im sure many of you here today just like Abs were thinking that this day would never come but here we are and as we sit in this beautiful setting I think it only traditonal to here the proposal story, Nige and Abi have shared many memorys together and have seen some of the worlds most beautiful landmarks, as well as moving to France and finding a home in what I can confirm is one of the most romantic and seren settings in the world so I expect you are all picturing the scene of a magical fairytale proposal by now so before you get lost in the moment wondering was it in Paris or sunset at the new French Cottage the answer is NO

Nige had waited his time (or heged his bets) and as im sure you will know a few years ago had to have surgery on his back, after the operation the Doctor spoke to nige and informed him that he was in for a long painfull recovery where he would be bed bound and need constant care and support, this is of course where Nige saw his opportunity and used a Proposal to secure himself a beautiful fiance and full time nurse !!

So weve established Romance didnt play a big part but dont let that fool you as im sure most of you will know that Nigel is infact a very passionate and dedicated man and 1 of his biggest passions is Football and in particular West ham utd (as is demonstrated by these 2 pictures from his stag doo :- wearing a millwall and Tottenham shirt), Nige actually took me to a West ham game the other week at Upton Park which is how I knew he really did hate me.  No seriously Football is a big part of Niges life and I have been informed many times that he was very talented youngster and could of made it to profesional, I have of course been told this by Nige himself!!

Nigels other great Passion is obviously birds and in particular birds of prey and I actually have a card to read out now, (Card reads :- Congratulations Nigel from everyone at Defra and the Ibr) apparently they have reunited Nigel with so many lost birds he has his own secretary there!!
Nige as most will know is highly regarded in the Falconry world and is especially associated with Sparrowhawks and has built a reputation as probably the most knowledgable Sparrowhawker in the uk,He could often be found wandering fields with a nice young bird on his arm but back to Falconry!!
It is infact Falconry that bought me and Nige together but although it is a passion in both our lives it is only one of many things that we share in common.

Me and Nige become close about 3 years ago when I was training hard to fight on the TV show The Ultimate Fighter. I decided I would train mostly in Kent and so I stayed with nige for a week well 4 weeks to be precise. During this time I had to get my weight down considerably and diet so I appointed Nige as my personal Nutritionist and he proved very effective in the role. 
I was not allowed chocolate or biscuits or Cake or carbs or basically anything with any taste, Well nige enforced a strict diet programme so that I wouldnt cheat and eat any of these, it consisted of him eating them all in front of me so that there was no temptation!!

On a more serious note it was during this time that I got close to Nige and the family and his house really does feel like home now, I have got to know all three of his daughters Molie, Ruby and Scarlet who has helped me by showing me her Karody.
I have become very close To Abi and her cooking has truly been the inspiration for many of my trips to Kent and her winners potatos the perfect way to celebrate a victory.
Myself and Nige have become very close over the last few years and we talk every day we have shared many meaningfull experiences like collecting my Eagle from Germany, our trip to France with the Sparrow hawks, flying Eagles in Scotland and of course Niges stag doo which was one of the best trips of my life to which I also owe a Thank you to Mark and Brad who I now consider close friends!!

So for all his flaws ( Of which there are many ) Nigel is a great friend and deserved of the Title Best man himself and I really do feel honoured to have been welcomed to the the family.

Its very rare to see people as happy as Nige and Abi but I can confirm that not only are they now Man and wife but they truly are best friends so will you all please be up standing as we toast not only Nige but The happy couple Mr and Mrs King.