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Speech by Elizabeth Crudgington

I found your example speeches - and everything else on your site - very useful when planning our wedding so wondered if you would like mine from our wedding on December 17.

Speech Type: Bride
Speech Creator: Elizabeth Crudgington
Speech Date: Dec2004
I know its not traditional for the bride to make a speech, but I thought I would start married life as I mean to go on – by having the last word!

After six years together I expect many of you were wondering if we would ever get round to getting married – I know I was.

Well it may have taken us a while but I'm delighted to be able to finally stand here as Mark's wife – although I'm still not sure how the subs at work will cope with trying to squeeze Crudgington into a byline box. It might take another six years before they manage to spell it correctly!

But I am proud to be the newest Crudgington and I want to thank Mavis and Roy for welcoming me into your family with open arms and for even letting me stay with you when my uni flatmates from hell got too much.

And thanks to my mum and Dad. I'm the only one of their three daughters who has stayed close to home and there's a reason for that – it means more free food, and Dad on hand to help solve household emergencies, like the time I called him from my mobile with my thumb stuck in a pipe gushing water all over the bedroom after we managed to pull the radiator off the wall.

Thanks Dad, for giving me away – don't think this means you've got rid of me though, because as you've probably already noticed, Mark and I are not the most practical people and we are sure to need your help with our future house-related projects.

And Mum, for providing most of the free food and for always being on hand to help out with your furry grandchildren, also known as our dogs Megan and Mully.

A massive thank you to my chief bridesmaid, Rosie. Thank you for smiling sweetly when what you really wanted to do was slap me and for letting me borrow your beautiful and very well-behaved children! You all look gorgeous today and I am so pleased you could share our day.

In fact, everyone who has helped us today deserves thanks – you all managed to follow your lists and schedules even though you probably wanted to rip them up!

Now, onto my Sparky. I'd like to thank Mark for his earlier compliments and I would like to add how handsome he looks today.

It means so much for me to be standing here as his wife. You are my favourite man in the world, the love of my life, my best friend and now you are my husband!

If it is true that men are like stars, with so many to pick from but only one who can make all your dreams come true, then Mark is my one star and I can't wait for the rest of our dreams to come true.

I'm almost done now, so thanks for bearing with me. Before I shut up I would just like to take some time to remember those who can't be with us today.

Some who couldn't get the time off, or for whom the distance was too far, and others who will be looking down on us, particularly all our grandparents who I know would have loved to be here. So if I could force you all to charge your glasses one last time, I'd like to propose a toast to absent friends.

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