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Speech by gill dickson

Speech Type: Bride
Speech Creator: gill dickson
Speech Date: mar 2003
Those of you who know me well might well be aware that among the many weird and wonderful things I've been called upon to do in the line of duty is to produce speeches.

I've written speeches for the MDs of various companies – like Goodyear, BP and Texaco. I've waxed lyrical – or rather, helped others to do so – on the topics of environmental responsibility, petroleum revenue tax, the future of energy and year-end results. I've even helped put words into the mouths of luminaries such Alistair Darling, Stephen Byers and former newsreader Richard Baker.

But nothing quite prepared me for the challenge of penning a few words for this most special of occasions – my wedding day.

After all, it's not generally regarded as ‘traditional’ for the bride to make a speech. We're supposed to sit quietly, smiling sweetly and looking demure while the menfolk take command. I suppose I might manage one of those three but quiet and demure? I don't think I can claim the right to either of those descriptions – as I'm sure those of you who know me will agree!

And a wedding is supposed to be the bride and groom's day – shared, of course, by all the family and friends who've come to celebrate the occasion – so I don't see why the bride can't also have a share in the speeches. I'm sure my husband – how wonderful it is to be able to say those words! – will say it's typical of me to want the last word, anyway!

You probably won't believe this – but there's not much I want to say! Just a couple of things ..… the first, a warning!

What do I want to warn you about? Well, I simply want to alert you to the dangers of public libraries. They look innocent enough. All those nice books, CDs, magazines and the like. But beware! You never know what visiting a library might lead to. For it was in one such library's audio visual section that I innocently noted down some telephone numbers for Solihull-based singing teachers. I wrote down three or four numbers and names and put the slip of paper in my handbag. I carried around that piece of paper for many weeks before I finally plucked up the courage to take things any further!

When I did, incidentally, I didn't ring the first number on the list – I chose the person who'd been most creative with their noticeboard ad! Kelvin's treble clef was far more memorable than the other advertisers’ more traditional business cards.

Who'd have thought on that first spring evening when I turned up on Kelvin's doorstep for a singing lesson that it would lead to all this!

The second thing I'd like to do is to say once more, a huge thank you to all of you for coming and helping us make today so very special. I know they've already been mentioned in despatches, but I want to say thank you to three people in particular who mean a great deal to me and who've really helped and supported me over the past few months. They've worked so hard to make things run smoothly today …

Sandie – how could we have managed without all your contacts and ideas? And more importantly, without your spare room! After all, where else is a bride-to-be to sleep on the night before her nuptials when her own home isn't her own any more, and the marital abode's at least an hour and a half down the round in rural Gloucestershire? You made me feel so welcome ..
Gail – chauffeur extraordinaire, friend even more extraordinaire. Thank you for making sure I got here on time! At least with your engineering expertise and knowledge of the motor industry I knew if we had a breakdown or a flat I was in safe hands – couldn't think of anyone better placed to fix it! And thank you for all the behind-the-scenes help in decorating the hall … it looks wonderful!

And finally (as they say on the news bulletins) – we come to Dawn. What can you say about Dawn? I couldn't have asked for a better friend and confidante, or, as I've been referring to her throughout the wedding planning, right hand woman! She's been utterly fantastic – I've dragged her through a zillion wedding dress shops … we've talked flowers and food and candles and wraps and rings and houses and hairstyles and honeymoons and … well, you get the picture. She also took charge of making sure the church was full of candles, and for the decoration of the reception area and for doing 101 things behind the scenes. She's been absolutely brilliant

The only other thing I have left to say is how very, very happy I am. I am so lucky to have found someone in Kelvin who is my soulmate; who loves me – in spite of all my failings – and cares for me. Kelvin – I love you very much and I'm so very proud to be your wife!