Speech by Ilka Schmitt
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Speech Type: Bride
Speech Creator: Ilka Schmitt
Speech Date: Dec2004
Opens envelope And the winner is.… Me!
Today I feel as if I have won an Oscar
Just like Catherine Zeta@Jones!
Both our husbands even share the same name! But that is where the comparison ends as my Michael is –luckily – a lot younger and a lot more handsome!
Just like a real academy awards ceremony we sure have invited an international crowd from England over Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland to even America, New Zealand and Australia – and don't you look glamourous!
Thank you for coming today!
Danke, dass ihr heute gekommen seid!
Merci pour venir aujourd'hui!
My special thanks go to:
My parents Anne and Konrad for being there for me and supporting me all the way. Mama, Papa: Danke fuer alles!
Helen, David: I couldn't marry into a more loving and generous family. Thank you for all the trouble you went through to making this day extra special for us!
Sylke, my sister, for Oscar@worthy hair and make up. I would never have had the patience! @thanks for the waterproof mascara in particular!
Eliot for being Mick's best man and Sabine for being my witness and best friend!
We've got a few thank you gifts for you if you would come and collect them after the speeches.
And last but in no way least an extra special thank you to my husband yes HUSBAND! Mick – a shared love of red wine and Herman Hesse brought us together six and a half years ago and I've enjoyed every minute since. Especially your Hollywood Style@proposal in the medieval city of Carcassonne – and yes, ladies before you ask @ he did go down on one knee! – Thank you for being there for me always! I love you so much!
And before I start crying like Gweneth Paltrow… I'd like to come back to Catherine Zeta… at our wedding please feel free to take as many pictures as you want as we've only managed to get an exclusive deal with Caravan Magazine, so please do use the disposable cameras on the tables to photograph each other in various stages of drunkenness.
And one more thing, you might have noticed there are lottery tickets in your favour bags – We thought, we are so lucky today, maybe one of you will be too!
Before I hand over to the best man, who obviously is under enormous pressure to be funny please do laugh!, we'd like to give a toast to our lovely guests! Bride and Groom standing up raising glasses