“He has inherited his Dad’s sense of humour, but no one is perfect!” – Bride Speech by G
"Without getting too soppy, you make me laugh with your stupid jokes, you save me from spiders, you look gorgeous in that suit, and I love you dearly!"
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Speech Type: Bride
Time to Read Aloud: 4 minutes
Our Favourite Line: “Please remember that you haven’t lost a daughter (because there’s no way you’re getting rid of me that easily) but you have gained a son.”
Hello! You may be wondering what the bride is doing making a speech instead of her husband. To be honest, I’m wondering too!
As most of you know, we had decided not to do speeches because they are pretty scary and can be really boring for the guests who just want to go to the bar or pop outside for a smoke! I promise I’ll keep it short but I’d just like to say a few thank-yous before passing you over to my father-in-law who has kindly agreed to say a few words.
Mike and I would like to thank you all for joining us today and celebrating our marriage! Some of you have done a lot of travelling, especially Rune and Kai who flew in yesterday from Norway.
We’re delighted to see everyone here and we’re very grateful for all your wonderful cards and gifts. We look forward to opening them later.
My husband and I want to say a huge thank you to our parents for everything they have done to make today happen. We really couldn’t have done this without them!
To my wonderful Mum and Dad, thank you for always being there for me, for the love, support, and friendship you have given to me since the day I was born. Please remember that you haven’t lost a daughter (because there’s no way you’re getting rid of me that easily) but you have gained a son. We are both eternally grateful for everything you do for us.
To my wonderful Mum and Dad, thank you for always being there for me, for the love, support, and friendship you have given to me since the day I was born.
To Marge and John, thank you for welcoming me into your family and for raising Mike to be the chap he is today – kind, sensible with money (by sensible I mean he won’t tell me his PIN number), and thoughtful. Unfortunately, he has inherited his dad’s sense of humour, but no one is perfect! But seriously, thank you for everything.
Unfortunately, he has inherited his Dad's sense of humour, but no one is perfect!
Before I raise a toast, we’d like to give our parents a token of our appreciation. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please raise your glasses for the parents.
We would also like to thank Auntie Chris and Marie for doing our beautiful wedding invitations, they were fantastic.
And thanks also to Nicky for decorating the tables and setting everything up for us – this place looks brilliant!
To Jim, our Usher, thanks for announcing us as husband and wife, and for and making sure nobody got left behind on the coach!
To Maddie, my brilliant bridesmaid who I’ve known for over 20 years, thank you so much for whisking me away for a brilliant night in London. I had an excellent time and was spoiled rotten. Also, I have to say, you did an excellent job getting me into this dress!
I have to say, you did an excellent job getting me into this dress!
Amelia and Kerry, our flower girls, you look gorgeous – like princesses! We hope you’re having fun today.
Finally, to my husband Mike, my best friend, soulmate and fellow geek. Without getting too soppy, you make me laugh with your stupid jokes, you save me from spiders, you look gorgeous in that suit and I love you dearly! Please charge your glasses to my husband, Mike.
Without getting too soppy, you make me laugh with your stupid jokes, you save me from spiders, you look gorgeous in that suit and I love you dearly!
Thank God that’s over! Now I will pass you over to John, my father-in-law.
- “You don’t marry the man you can’t live with, you marry the man you can’t live without” – Bride Speech by Sofia
- “I could live the rest of my life in this moment and never want for anything more” – Bride Speech by Kajal
- “I’ve got a bit of a reputation as a bit of a poet in my family” – Bride Speech by Sandra