Speech by Adrian Scott
I gathered a lot of inspiration for my speech from this website & i hope this will help others with thier speech. Best of luck on your special day!
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Adrian Scott
Speech Date: 13/05/2015 16:16:07
Good afternoon everyone, as the father of the bride I have the honour of doing the first speech.
I would like to welcome every one of you here as you have all played some part, however small, in the lives of Jason and Katrina and are valued because of that.
Your presence here today is important to them.
Some of you have travelled long distances so we really do appreciate everyone's efforts getting here today.
Jason and Katrina have worked really hard to organise this wedding, they've had a few little problems along the way, but I think you'll all agree that all their efforts have proved worthwhile.
From a personal viewpoint I was really happy that they chose to get married here at Whitewell, the first time we came here to see it I could see what a perfect setting it would make for their big day.
The wedding is a time for joy and fun, with all our friends and family gathered to see the happy couple off as they start their new life.
Sadly it is also a time, when our thoughts inevitably turn to those people who have meant so much to all our families, and those who could not be here today in person but I would to think that today those loved ones have the best seat in the house.
This is thirsty work so let us raise a glass to all those who we remember with love & pride & everyone who has lost loved ones on this fantastic journey of life.
The toast Ladies& Gentlemen is to absent loved ones.
This is one of the proudest days of my life, I can't remember how many times I've thought about walking my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, and when I first saw Katrina in her wedding dress this morning I was speechless, she looks absolutely stunning. The other good thing about doing this speech is that it's sorted out my constipation.
Of course this is the part that Katrina is dreading…..What's my dad going to say about me?
Can anyone here remember the events of 1986, 28 years ago?
Well……The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after take-off… an incident witnessed live by millions of people worldwide.
The Email was invented
The worst ever nuclear disaster occurred in Russia at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power station when it exploded releasing radioactive material across much of Europe.
& In the UK scientists discovered a deadly disease called BSE, we know it as mad cow disease.
Coincidently Katrina was born this year
Yes in March of 1986 Pauline and I were blessed with our second child,
A beautiful baby daughter, Katrina, & just like today it has all been a bit of a rush, everything has happening so quickly over the years, christenings, birthdays, 1st day @ nursery, schools, family holidays, xmas`s, Richard, our son joins the RAF then I blinked and here I am proposing this toast on her Wedding Day. .… Where has all the time gone?
One thing I do recall at Parents evening there was a word that kept cropping up with her form teachers & school reports…..PLEASURE, she's a pleasure to teach, she's a pleasure to have in the classroom and a pleasure is probably the best way I can describe of having Katrina as a daughter…….
Whilst preparing this speech I got a little sentimental and decided to look through some old family photos & videos of Katrina, I have to admit to blubbing, and one picture stood out, It was the striking pose of our Katrina lying on a rug, dribbling and pointing at the camera lens. What a treasure she looked trying to stand up on those little wobbly legs……..… We'll never forget her 18th birthday!!!
As a teenager Katrina brightened up all our lives, mainly by always leaving the lights on in every room she passed through…
Thankfully Katrina does seem to have inherited most of her better traits from her mother and I am told only a few bad habits from her dad. You seemed to have got your mothers kind & caring nature and good looks…..… and from me….well…….a lot of people suffer from wind. Katrina.
So I'm not going to embarrass her any more, its Jasons turn.
There was a defining moment when I knew Jason was the right man to marry our daughter………..It was during the 8th or was it 10th pint of some very potent real ale on a night out with Wally & Jason @ the Rossendale Beer Festival or I might now rephrase that to the Rossendale Bonding Festival when Jason asked me for Katrina's hand in marriage.
A very nice touch!
During the time we have known Jason or J we have come to realise just how special he is to Katrina & her best friend Cassie, how right they all are for each other, and what a great husband and son-in-law he will be. It is my pleasure to formally welcome Jason to our family.
They are a perfect match, both share a great sense of humour, & are both very hardworking and determined characters and I'm sure whatever they want out of life they are going to achieve it.
Tomorrow they fly off toThailand for the first leg of their honeymoon and I'm sure they're going to have a fantastic time.
It takes me back to our honeymoon, 32 years ago, although a weekend in St Anne's doesn't sound quite so appealing.
Jason & Katrina.
I cannot really give advice as I am still learning, but I do think in life, that you should love a lot, laugh a lot, listen a lot, talk a lot, & Katrina try not to spend a lot.
For those of you that have managed to stay awake you will be pleased to hear that my speech is now coming to an end, I only have one final task and that is wish Katrina and Jason a very long and happy marriage and ask you all to raise your glasses and toast the happy couple.
Jason & Katrina.