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Speech by Alan Wallace

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Alan Wallace
Speech Date: Jul2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, Family and Friends, for those of you who don't know me I'm Alan – Daniel's dad – and I'm delighted to welcome you here today – to celebrate the marriage of Daniel and Jill.

I know a lot of you have travelled a considerable distance to be here – thank you for doing that – its very much appreciated and it's wonderful to see you here.

At the risk of repeating the thanks proposed by Nick on behalf of Jan and himself, there is without doubt a number of people that Linda and I would like to thank for their contribution in making this day so special.

First of all I'd like to thank Nick and Jan for providing Daniel with such a beautiful bride – I think you'll all agree that my new daughter in law looks absolutely stunning and Linda and I are delighted to welcome Jill into the family.

I'd also like to thank Finlay Andrew who has been minister to our family since Daniel and Jill that's the first Jill Wilson went to Sunday School at St Columba. His talents as a minister are manyfold and the warmth of his words at the ceremony this afternoon were very special indeed.

And while we're on the subject of talent, what a joy it was to have Matthew, Zoe and Rachael perform so magnificently during the ceremony – it made an emotional day even more so – who says it's only the mothers who get weepy at weddings!!

Daniel will no doubt be thanking Dougie, Laura and Alex for their roles as best man and bridesmaids but I'd just like to say how perfectly they carried out their duties.

Before writing this speech, I felt it appropriate to seek the wisdom of my brother Norman as to whether I should try to add a bit of humour to the proceedings.

“Alan”, he said, “if you can stand up at that top table, deliver your speech and make just one person laugh – then you're rubbish”. Thanks Norman.

Now's as good a time as any to get in my favourite wedding joke:
Two television aerials met on a roof, they fell in love and eventually married. The ceremony wasn't that good but the reception was brilliant.

I suffered to write this speech – now its your turn! optional depending on response to joke

It's probably time that I should say a few words about the doctor and his good wife.

When Daniel was at school, it was fairly obvious that his studies would follow the scientific route. It was a process of elimination really as he was pretty useless at everything else.

Take history for instance. When asked who Joan of Arc was, Daniel said “Was she Noah's wife?”

And as for learning Algebra, he couldn't see the point as he reckoned he was never going to go there.

He wasn't much better at geography either. His teacher asked him “where's Uganda” to which Daniel replied “At home with my Grandma”

His report card for geography summed it all up really “Daniel does well in finding his way home”

However his geography couldn't have been that bad as he had the good fortune in travelling overseas and finding his new bride in Rothesay.

Linda and I first met Jill when Daniel and Dougie Lowe were sharing a flat in Govanhill in Glasgow. It was through Dougie that Daniel met Jill as Dougie is married to Laura, Jill's sister. That sounded quite sensible when I wrote it! I should have brought a flip chart for explanation.

Although this may not be an appropriate time or place to bring this up I feel that it's only right to mention Daniel's first love – yes Motherwell Football Club.

I have to tell you Daniel that it's just been reported that thieves have broken into Fir Park Trophy room and made off with the entire contents. Police are on the lookout for two men carrying a claret and amber carpet.

Daniel and Jill have been together now for so long that it's difficult to remember when she wasn't there – and they're now in their third house already.

All I can really say is that Linda and I are extremely happy to see the two of them finally hitched and I think I can speak on behalf of Linda in saying that she can't wait to be a granny.

And on that bombshell I think I'm finished.

All it remains for me to say is to ask everyone to have a great evening and would you all please stand and join me in a toast to the bride and groom.

Jill and Daniel,
I wish you fun and excitement for today.…
hopes and dreams for tomorrow.…
and love and happiness forever.

To the health and happiness of our
Bride &amp Groom
Jill &amp Daniel