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Speech by Anon

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Anon
Speech Date: Oct2004
Thank you!

I bid you all a very warm welcome, to this wonderful day of celebrations.

For those that don't know me, I am Barry Chain.

We here on the top table, are surrounded by family and friends who have been very important to Jason and Leonie during their lives, and on behalf of Leonie's Mother…Cecily, and Jason's mother, Eileen, we thank you all for joining us today to witness this fabulous occasion.

It has been my privilege to have been asked by Leonie that I stand in as “father of the bride” on this, her very special day, And to give her away to the man she has chosen to spend the rest of her life with.

Leonie who looks absolutely beautiful doesn't she, stunning would be the best description as well, Leonie will make a wonderful wife to Jason, and here's hoping, a fantastic mother.

Leonie has been like a second daughter to Eileen and I, and we know this marriage, even though it has taken a very very long time to get here, it will be a lasting marriage, and she will make Jason very very happy.

I would like to also mention that Jason's grandparents, Isobel and Phil, would have loved to have been here today to have been part of this wedding ceremony, but, I am sure they would be thinking of you both, as well.

Also, Leonie's beloved Poppy,”Tony” who is no longer with us, will be watching down on her today, and will always be with her and Jason.

I know that many of our guests with us, have travelled a long way to get here, and that probably includes 90% of us as well, so our thanks to you for being with us to mark this a very special occasion.

Today has indeed been that very special day and Leonie and Jason have done a brilliant job in planning this wedding day by themselves; a gigantic task and they have done well haven't they?

Their choice of having this wonderful celebration of their wedding, here at their own home, surrounded by family and friends will long be remembered.

I would like to start by apologising for Leonie and Jason.

It's taken more then 11 years to get them here today.

Their “lightening romance” puts me in mind of the story about the couple that were engaged for 30 years,

Eventually, the wife to be, laid on a nice candle lit dinner for her intended husband, with champagne, lobster and the whole works, and whispers romantically

“Honey, Isn't it time we thought about getting married”?

“Good heavens” he replied.

“Who would have us now”

So there you go, if you were a doubter, it's happened, and Eileen and I are overjoyed that it has,

It gives Eileen and I great joy in finally having our “baby” Jason choosing Leonie to be his bride, to settle down here on “Rock ridge” here at Kurrajong, and start to raise his family and be involved with his his friends and to the surrounding community.

Those of you, who have known Jason from a little boy, have always known his abilities in anything electronics from a very early age.

Jason was a very easy child to give a present to, as long as it was a torch, or a battery, in fact any thing electrical, even a worn out power point, Jason would use it to build his little projects. He carried all his gear, his tools, bits and pieces in an overnight bag, he was very workman like.

As a matter of fact, I have with me a note, written to me by Jason as a very small boy, it reads……………………….…

When we were living at Kellyville at the time, Jason was about 8 years old, and he said to me, “Dad, I have made an electric box” That worried me, so we went into the garage and saw a big cardboard box with wires and switches going every where, Jason had used a full roll of spaghetti solder, probably about 80-90 feet of it, to construct this maze of blinking lights etc.all powered by batteries, thank God.

He explained to me what this switch did, what that gadget did and the whole family, were absolutely amazed at his knowledge of electrics

This truly was a work of art and I only wish I had a video camera at that time to record this masterpiece.

That was only one of many projects that he built, another briefly his brothers and sister will remember, was his kerosene fuelled lamp which would light automatically when an electric current was passed thru a wire, which then glowed red hot and lit the wick of the lamp, this I do have on video, a treasured reminder of his talent.

Also, he built an under water light for us to use to go prawning at The Entrance,

It worked beautifully until it went underwater, then “poof”, it was back to the drawing board on that one.

It's little wonder then that today, Jason's work is in hi tech electronics, computers, fibre optics etc, his early hobbies have paid off for him.

Ladies and Gentle men, a short verse that sums up my thoughts and feelings.

Jason and Leonie:

“Coming together is a beginning.

Staying together is progress.

Working together is success.

When children find true love, Parents find true joy.

Here's to your joy and ours from this day forward.”

Finally, May your happiness never end, like the circles of your wedding rings?

And may your marriage be blessed with love, laughter and happiness

And……….soon the sounds of little feet running to surround you with love,

For this is what marriage gives us.

Thank you.… All!