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Speech by Anon

Father of the Bride - seriously worried until he found your site - thanks very much.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Anon
Speech Date: Sep2004
Ladies and Gentlemen

Most fathers, who have a daughter, dream of the day that she marries, when she is looking beautiful in her wedding dress, she walks down the aisle on his arm and he gently gives her to the man of her choosing. Everything is fine up to this point, but the dream turns into a nightmare when he realises he has to stand on his hind legs and speak to a room full of people, many of whom are complete strangers. So I will apologise now if I stutter, mumble or trip over my words as speechmaking is not something I would normally look forward to.

However, as Father of the Bride, it falls to me to make this, the first speech, and I must say I consider it a privilege to do so.

I would like to start by saying what a real pleasure it is to welcome You all, the relatives and friends of both Nichola and Scott , for joining with us in helping them celebrate their special day. Some of you have travelled quite some distance to be here today but I sincerely hope you will have found it very worthwhile. At this point, I would also like to take a moment to remember those who, for one reason or another, could not be here to celebrate with us today.

My wife Pauline and I are very proud to see Nichola looking so beautiful and radiant, after the trials and tribulations of the last year, and to be finally married to Scott. I know that an awful lot of time, effort and stress has gone into the planning and I am sure you will agree that it is a tremendous success and that Nichola and Scott are to be congratulated for organising such a splendid occasion.

Now, it's at this point in time that the Father of the bride says something along the lines of.… “We are not really losing a Daughter but gaining a son… So I would like to formally welcome Scott into the family, albeit with just a word of warning .… Unlike when Nichola goes shopping – No matter what happens, PLEASE REMEMBER There are no returns or refunds – even with a receipt! Oh! And I have changed the locks!!!!!!!

Seriously though, as someone who has been happily married for 30 years, and so speaking from great experience, I would like to warn this novice here about what he””ll be up against. Marriage is not just finding the perfect partner but about being one. Loyalty, self restraint and tolerance are all things that you will learn as the years go by followed, in later years, by defective memory and selective hearing!. But the one, perhaps the most important thing, you have to remember is the secret of a long and happy marriage to Nichola. This comes down to nothing more difficult than a simple sentence

“Yes dear, I was wrong!! But I love you”

As you most probably know by now, there””s something else you””ll have to learn to live with Scott, because no man has yet found a remedy for it …and that is the female mind! It can be summed up by this one simple instance.

A woman bought her husband two ties for his birthday, a red one and a blue one.

He was undecided which one to wear at his party that evening, but appeared in the red one.

As soon as his wife saw him, she said, &quotOh! you””re wearing the red tie. Don””t you like the blue one?&quot

I had thought to offer you these pearls of wisdom earlier but I didn't think it would be wise to do before the ceremony, in case you changed your mind and I got her back!!!

But to be serious for a moment, I know that you both considered just going away and getting married with no fuss. I hope that everyone here agrees with me that we are glad you didn””t because this has been a wonderful wedding day, and it””s not over yet!

So, Ladies and Gentleman, friends.

May I ask that you charge your glasses, be upstanding, and join with me in a toast to the new Mr &amp Mrs Kilburn

Nichola and Scott.

At that point I will close and pass to the next speaker, but not before I tell you about a survey they carried out recently. They were trying to find out if married or single men lived the longest. After collecting masses of information they finally concluded that there was no difference in life span – It just seemed longer when you are married!!

Thank you