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Speech by Anthony Bantoft

I was asked to stand in as Father of the bride at my Nieces wedding, as sadly her father passed away when she was a baby.  Whilst it was an immense honour and privlege to do this, the speech gave me concerns as I wanted to mention her dad, but without being too sad, and also mentioning her mum who has raised 3 children all on her own - and they are all amazing individuals.  Your website gave me so much help in both some of the content but also the structure of the speech - so thank you.  I hope uploading my speech can help others.   My speech went down a storm, and everyone complimented me o

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Anthony Bantoft
Speech Date: 31/07/2010 22:00:50

Ladies, Gentlemen and anyone who might have sneaked in for a free meal; many of you don't know me, and as lucky as that might make you, I'm afraid you're stuck with me for the next few minutes.

As Father of the bride, it is my privilege to make the first speech.  

At least I thought it was a privilege until I realised that I'm actually the warm up act for the groom and the best man……………..I make no apologies guys………………if I bore them to sleep………… that's your problem.

On behalf of Hilary and Darren, welcome to their special day.

For those of you who don't me, I am Uncle Tony, and I stand here an honoured man.  Honoured that Hilary asked me to do this wonderful thing for her today and give her away at her wedding.

Some of you may know that Hilary's dad Dave left this world way too early, but Hilary I can say from the heart Dave would be the proudest man today.

You have achieved so much, and often through times of adversity.  You have grown to be a beautiful, outstanding young woman and a stunning bride today.

I know Dave will be with us somewhere, watching over us all – and probably urging us to get to the best bit….the party!  Dave liked a good knees up!

There are many people not here today, Parents, Grandparents’, family members, friends – and for all in this room that have lost a loved one – please let us remember – Absent Friends.

To Vivienne, Hilary's Mum, my admiration, and love goes out to you. Your children are a direct result of your effort, sacrifices and dedication. You have demonstrated a commitment that has never faltered. And I know I can speak on behalf of the family when I say, ‘Good on you our kid and we're proud of you’

Hilary this is the time that every bride fears…..what is he going to talk about….is he going to tell about the time when…??!!

I won't tell of any of those times, but  I'm going to say  “thank you for this honour today”   

Not having children of my own, I never would have the opportunity to play the proud dad, at my daughter's wedding and today you make me very proud.

When you and I shared our little glance at one another as we were ready to start our walk down the aisle, that will be a moment I cherish for always.

Hilary is a wonderful daughter, mum, sister, niece, aunty and friend. She has provided us with so much joy and laughter over the years we have always been proud of her, and in everything she does, she always gives it 110%  – and when she's talking its 120%

We are all so happy today to see Hilary, looking so beautiful, married to Darren, the dashing groom.

Since we've known him, we've come to realise how special he is to her; and anyone can see that they're made for each other; in fact they were destined to be together – researching a little family history shows they came all the way from WALES!

Both the Taplin and Williams ancestry begins in Wales and Hilary was born there, later finding each other in cosmopolitan Staly Vegas!

Darren, I would like to welcome you into the family, even though you have been part of it for a good while now. You are a great lad who clearly loves our Hilary and obviously makes her very happy.

I think you have been with Hilary long enough to know what you are letting yourself in for by joining our family, so to be honest mate I haven't got any sympathy for you.

Joking aside though, we are glad that you are part of our family and its great to have you as one of the in-laws.

That brings me to another special person to welcome into the family –Leandra, Darren's daughter; she is a credit to you Darren.

So what advice can I offer about marriage, well – It's been said that a man is not complete until he is married and then he's well and truly finished.

It's too late now Darren, just remember that a man who gives in when he is WRONG is a WISE man.

But a man who gives in when he is RIGHT..… is married!

Hillary will always be right, everything will be your fault and you will never win an argument, especially now that her initials are H.W or – ‘Her Worship’!!

But seriously :

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate

Finally – never go to bed in the middle of an argument. Be a man and stay up and fight. You've lost anyway so you might as well get it over with.

Hilary and Darren have obviously worked really hard organising everything for today but their hard work has definitely paid off. I'm sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special, you know who you all are – Not to mention the staff here at the Village Hotel for this superb reception

And so, Hilary & Darren –

Here's to the past, for all that you've learned.
Here's to the present, for all that you share.
Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to together.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I GIVE YOU, Hilary and Darren THE BRIDE AND GROOM