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Speech by Archie Simpson

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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Archie Simpson
Speech Date: Nov2006
A very warm Simpson welcome to you all. Pause
This is Hillbark House. It was built. In 1891 for a local soapmaker. But not here, it stood on the end of the Oxton Ridge close to Bidston, and was originally called Bidston Court. By 1930 it had changed hands and it's then current, owners moved it brick by brick 4 miles west to it's present location, why to improve the view of the Welsh Hills. During the war it was refuge for the children of a Liverpool Seamen's Orphanage, as the then owner was a shipping magnate, and also a director of the orphanage.

The House is surrounded by the NT Property, Thurstaston Common, named after it's famous natural sandstone monument – Thor's Stone.
This stone it is said to have borne witness to many Viking Pagan Rituals of the time. Pause.
Today the re-enactment of these Rituals is taken very seriously, and can be witnessed at any one of 3 NT carparks in the area every Friday or Saturday Night, weather permitting of course.

Moving on from the History Lesson
For those of you who don't know, seated over here, wearing the ravishing blue coloured outfit is my wife and Jo's mother, Kath, and sitting over here are Chris's parents Howard and Trish.
……………Kath &amp I have been very happily married now for twenty-nine years, which isn't too bad out of 33. Pause

Firstly, I'd like to start by thanking all of you for being here today, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words. Pause It's very touching that you still decided to come.

A good speech, they say, should be like a designer mini-skirt, short enough to be interesting, Pause and long enough to cover the essentials.
It's marvellous to see you all here on this special day, both friends and family, and those of you whom I haven't met before. I hope you have all enjoyed being here today to witness the marriage of Chris and Jo. Pause
Organising a major event like today is very easy, you just sit back and everything seems to happen. You just ask the odd question like ‘How Much???’ and put forward the odd point for serious debate, like ‘we could've had Frankby Scout Hut for 㿞, and, we could've got the bucks-fizz from Netto.’ But it was always met with ‘Dad – go with the flow, me and Mum know best.’

While preparing this speech I was getting a little sentimental and decided to get out a few old photograph albums. Pause Tears welled up in my eyes as I turned the pages and the one picture that stood out from the others was the striking photograph of my precious daughter lying on a rug, dribbling and pointing at the camera lens. What a treasure she looked as she tried to stand … Pause she'll never forget her 18th birthday.

Today, I look at my daughter and I see an independent, attractive, elegant, stunning young woman. She obviously takes after her mother.

Jo used to say she didn't believe in marriage because, after all, it's just a piece of paper. Well, so is a twenty-pound note and she certainly believes in those! Pause
As many of you know, Jo was, and still is a very creative and practical person, look at the wedding stationary always doing things her own way. Pause I especially remember the unique way she saved money for the house deposit: Pause she used mine.

Jo and Chris first met in London just over 8 years ago, at the Wapping Hockey Club, Chris was working at the Westminster College, and Jo was at the Royal London learning her dental thing.
In the early days, I remember Jo inviting Kath &amp I to watch Chris play in a big match. Jo said, you'll recognise Chris, he's the one that can run just as fast backwards or forwards. Pause. Bearing in mind Jo had only just mentioned Chris had a second degree in Astro Physics, I was starting to conjure up an image not dissimilar from the Ardal O'Hanlon Character Thermoman in the BBC series My Hero.
As you can see my initial apprehension was totally justified.

Traditionally, the father of the bride should include in his speech a few sincere and kind remarks about the bridegroom. This shouldn't be too difficult, as Chris has written down exactly what he wants me to say!
According to Howard and Trish, Chris has always been a bit of a gadget freak. If it's small and gives you non-stop information 24 hours a day, he's got to have it. So it should come as no surprise that he fell for Jo. Pause

Chris and Jo were both brought up I'm pleased to say with very high moral values. Pause The first time Chris and Jo went away together, Jo wanted Chris to act as if they were married to avoid any disapproving looks………… So Chris let her carry the suitcases.

It is customary on occasions such as this, for the bride's father to offer the newlyweds some profound pieces of advice – advice that's been passed down from generation to generation Pause and no doubt ignored by all of them.
Since our wedding day I have carried a photograph of Kath in my wallet. Whenever I encounter a problem I just look at the photo and the problem seems to disappear. That shows what a miraculous and powerful influence she has on me. Similarly, Kath carries a photograph of me in her handbag and whenever she encounters a problem, she takes out my picture and says to herself, Pause ‘What problem can possibly be greater than this one?’

Chris, now you are married you need to guard against complacency. Keep a look out for those little telltale signs of trouble in your relationship – like if you see Pete the postman wearing your socks.

Seriously for a minute, Chris and Jo, you're among people today who care about you very much. I don't know what your future holds exactly, and I know that twenty years from now, many things will have happened that we can't predict today, but whatever does happen, and wherever you go, you'll not only have each other's love, you'll also have ours. Pause

I've tried to keep this short, as I know that Dan &amp Steven – are really looking forward to giving you their speeches. That's really refreshing, as a number of you know from experience, being asked to be best men is the toughest of all wedding jobs – Pause – Rather like being asked to sleep with The Queen – it's a great honour, but no-one really wants to do it!

My final job as father of the bride is to propose a toast to the happy couple. This I do with great pride. Pause

Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please be upstanding, Pause and raise your glasses to Jo and Chris and join me in wishing them – long life and good health,- success in all they do,- and may the happiness they have shared be continued for ever.
To Jo and Chris.