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Speech by Bob Watson

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Bob Watson
Speech Date: 09/11/2011 14:13:48

Well that's them married…and I can only say how happy and pleased that my avourite daughter has had the great good sense to wed young Daniel.

The pair of them have worked so hard to get here…individually in their chosen careers, and as a young couple determined to make this day as truly special as it has been.

Beside me, at this top table, I'm joined by not only my darling wife – Glenda – but also by Daniel's mum and dad: Betsy and Johan.

So good to be together with you all today.

And good also that both Sonya and Lara – my other favourite daughter – now have married names that are to do with acquiring money!

Let's hope they do!

I'm reminded, as I look around at your smiling faces, each of you so obviously enjoying this most happy event, of another wedding I attended, many years past. I was only a boy then, but I can remember so vividly how different that day was to this…such unhappiness, people looking miserable, a few crying………….even the cake was in tears! 

As father of the bride I have the right today to say some things about what being Sonya's dad has meant to me over the past thirty years. There are loads of memories of events I could recall today…they are all special, but one thing in particular stands out today: that my girl has become this beautiful human being…I'm so proud of you. And I've loved you from the day you were born; and I'll love you till the day I die.

Now as I'm sure some of you have heard at other weddings, it's becoming a bit of a custom to read out some romantic poetry, some marriage-related verses from, say, Shakespeare or Wordsworth or even our Robbie Burns.

Well, today is no exception…today I'm going to read out a poem from one of England's most famous younger poets…a poem that sums up what being newly-married is all about…this is one of the most moving poems I've ever read…I hope you agree…it goes like this:

We're glad that you two have not tarried

at reaching the stage what is known as “married”

Now you've entered that wedded bliss,

Where “his is yours” and “yours is his”

But it won't always be plain sailings,

As you realise that each other has failings,

Wee habits that till now were hidden,

will start to happen again and again.

Things that make you begin to wonder

If getting married wasn't a blunder,

Especially when she cracks her knuckles

Or he, when cartoons are on, constantly chuckles.

But even worse than annoying habits,

Are the times when she'll have the hissy fits,

Because he, when asked about her bum's size,

Forgets to reply with those little white lies!

Or when winter has us in its icy grip

And in the air there's a right cold nip,

And Sonya, the duvet does hog,

Leaving Daniel to cuddle the dog!

But when all is said and done,

Together you will have much fun,

The other's habits you will not mind,

Because true love is blind.

Being happy together as man and wife,

Makes it easier to get through life's strife

Listen well to each other's fears,

And be ready to wipe away those tears.

And Daniel, if there's been a squabble

Don't let the sun set on that quarrel

Apologise, just say yer sorry

And let her watch bloomin’ “Corrie”

And Sonya, some fatherly advice so listen do,

If Daniel , maybe, somehow, annoys you,

Remember, it ain't easy being a lad

I should know cos I'm yer dad

Well that's the end of this awful ode

But some good advice I hope I've showed,

So go now into the future land

Each of you now wearing the golden band.

A toast now to my daughter and my new son-in-law….Sonya and Daniel