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Speech by Bob Westwick

I think it was recived well!

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Bob Westwick
Speech Date: 06/12/2011 15:37:50

Good afternoon everyone, for those of you that don't know me, my name is Bob and I'm the proud father of Melanie.

The Father of the Bride speech should be I am told personal and heart-warming and should sound up lifting about his daughter and son-in-law's future. It is at times like this that you start to wonder, am I losing a daughter or gaining a son-in-law? It all depends on where they are going to live! With me, I gain a son-in-law, away from me I lose a daughter and my bank manager starts talking to me again! At least I don't have to worry about it being witty and entertaining, that's the best man's job.  I begin by thanking the guests for attending and I should acknowledge Mr & Mrs. Stockdale senior for there fine upstanding son and I do welcome Gary to the family. It's good to see family and friends here to celebrate their marriage, especially the ones who have made a special effort to be here. So thank you all for coming. And thanks to everyone who has given their time and effort into helping to make this day such a lovely occasion. And let us think of those that can't be here for this day Melanie's mother June will be looking down on this lovely day with a smile on her face.

The weather gods also need a mention in despatches as they've managed to cool things down a little whilst keeping the rain away. I hope it continues with sun shining on them every day during married life.  Melanie looks absolutely gorgeous doesn't she…… but it doesn't seem all that very long ago that she was running around the house, throwing her tantrums, some small, just a typical teenager really. The time has really flown by and she's been brought up to be decent, caring and honest or so she tells us, she's an achiever having passed her driving test there has been no stopping her apart from car crashes, she's never given us any trouble or reason to worry, she's a perfect young lady who I am proud to call my daughter and I'm sure Gary will be proud to call his wife.

But no mention was made of Gary until one weekend she turned up with him; we went somewhere secluded for a chat about their future. The secluded spot chosen was the pub. Some time latter Melanie calmly announced she was going abroad on holiday, to Mexicowith her boyfriend. Well, I can tell you I was a bit concerned at the time, having met Gary just a few times, but it became clear he's a very respectable lad, they've been together now for some time so I'm pleased to welcome him as a Son-in-law, although I will leave judgement on just how pleased I am until after the best man has had his say and revealed some of the bits I don't know about!!

Melanie has found her self in hospital over the years with accidents through falling of horses and not to forget snow boarding usually coming home with crutches and bits of metal sticking out, well this hospital visit on the 31st of August was different, a great joy to all of us when she came out with Isabelle 8 lb 7oz.

It's been said that a man is not complete until he is married and then he's well and truly finished. Well it's too late now Gary, just remember that a man who gives in when he is WRONG is a WISE man. But a man who gives in when he is RIGHT..… Is married! Melanie will always be right, everything will be your fault and you will never win an argument, that is just the way married life is!  A friend of mine thinks everyone should get married because no-one deserves to be happy their entire life, but I hope that you two will prove him wrong and that fifty years from now you will be just as happy and as much in love with each other as you are today.

There was a little story about a couple which had been married for 30 years. The wife noticed that her husband kept looking at their wedding certificate every day. Being a woman the curiosity got the better of her and she had to ask her husband “why do you keep reading the marriage certificate”? The husband replied I am looking for the expiry date but can't find it”! So Gary, you are stuck with her for life, make the most of it and be happy, above all else be happy!

Last but not least any one here who wishes to help out a happy but now poor father after paying for this wedding can give a donation in cash, cheque, bank transfer or visa card all will be gratefully accepted, there will be a collection box placed at the exit for your loose change.

I know that Gary has chosen well and I believe that Melanie has too and I wish them everything need for a long, happy and prosperous future together.

So Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to ask you to raise your glasses to MEL, Gary & Isabelle