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Speech by Brian Dollery

Dear Hitched. Thanks for the help I received from your site in preparing "Dad's Speech" The day went marvellously, except that the Best Man had a panic attack and failed to do his bit - (he should have checked out your web site too!) I'm not terribly used to Public speaking but my bit seemed to go down well. The best tribute coming from a lady who said "Your speech was brilliant! and so funny - Did you know you were funny?" Answer - "well I knew I was a bit peculiar!" Thanks again for your inspiration - Brian Dollery

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Brian Dollery
Speech Date: sep 2003

Ladies and Gentlemen –friends and relations -old and new.
For those who don't know (or don't recognise me in a suit!), I'm Brian, the new Dad-in Law and it's my proud privilege to propose the toast to the Newlyweds.

Before doing this however, I'd like on behalf of Gillian and myself to welcome everyone who has come along today to help us celebrate this happy day, especially for the great support of everyone who has made the long journey from Ireland – Barry's family and all other friends. We're sorry that you've all had to cover such a wide area of the South of England – I won't bore you with the reasons for this, except to say that we have received every assistance from the Vicar of St Mary's Hayling and from the staff here at New Place. I would also like to mention that the last time I walked down the aisle, it was to marry my lovely wife here and I'm pleased to say that her Bridesmaids – cousins Janice and Barbara are both here and may I say that after thirty several years they haven't changed a bit!

My next pleasure is to welcome Barry into our family, which I hope he already feels part of. I think when Lucy first brought him home, he must have thought he'd stumbled into an episode of “The Good Life” as there always seemed to be something being made, mended,baked or brewed! I'm afraid that's the way we are and it's obviously rubbed off as quite a lot of self-help has gone into today's event – Lucy hand made the invitations, the sketch of the Church on the Order of Service was done by my talented wife. The cake was made by the local W.I. and decorated by Steven I know he will be very annoyed if I ask you to applaud him, (but on the other hand, his mum will like it!)
A very good friend John Bishop provided the bridal transport and last but not least, Martin Nolan who is actually teaching our new son-law to play provided the beautiful Uilleann pipe music in the church. And very remiss of me I almost forgot to mention the hairstyling also done by my talented wife (pause) – I'm very pleased with it, thank you!! Our sincere thanks go to everyone.

I've omitted the embarrassing stories about the bride section, as I feared she might retaliate with embarrassing stories about me! And in any case, like all our children, Lucy has brought us nothing but pleasure and she comes fully recommended. She was a little apprehensive about what the old man might say and truly terrified when I mentioned that I intended to end with a few verses of “Take good care of my baby” But don't panic I can't sing and in any case we have no doubts whatever that Barry will take very good care of our baby as he has always done.

As some of you will know, Lucy met Barry when she was at University and took a job working in an Irish pub (that's Irish as in Bournemouth!) They hit it off straight away and on completing their degrees, they kept in touch with letters, phone calls and occasional visits until Lucy took the brave step of moving to Dublin and taking a job there.

Like all visitors to Ireland, she was made very welcome and we'd like to say a special welcome to The Harpur family for their special generosity and kindness in making her feel at home. As a spin-off, we were able to renew our acquaintance with a country, which we already knew and loved. For those who haven't been – do go – It's a beautiful country with wonderful people and you will get some very useful practice in using the Euro!

Anyway, the rest is history, as they say, they announced their engagement at Christmas, the date was set and I know you will all join me in wishing them every happiness. Finally, there is an old adage for these occasions “ something old, something new. Plenty of suggestions from my family for the something old bit! but we've come up with something even more historic and later on when they cut the cake, they will be using a sword belonging to Lucy's Grandfather (no longer with us) who was a Captain in The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers and fought in the First World War. I know Barry is very interested in things military so it could end up over your family fireplace one day Lucy! I would now ask you to join me in this toast:-

Here's to the past, for all you've learned.
Here's to the present for all that you share.
Here's to the future for all your plans together.
And here's to Love, Laughter and Happy ever after.

I give you the toast – The Bride and Groom – Lucy and Barry

I now claim your attention for our new Son-in Law who is dying to respond

(With grateful acknowledgement to for something borrowed