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Speech by Brian Fairclough

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Brian Fairclough
Speech Date: Jul 2009
Thank you Cameron …and good afternoon everyone.

In case there's anyone here who ‘doesn't’ know me………I'm Brian ….and I'm the very ‘proud’ father ….of this beautiful young lady who's sitting here beside me.

Being Father of the Bride….it's my privilege to make the ‘first’ speech of the afternoon….and you'll be pleased to hear …that in keeping with the saying that “less is more” …..I shall be making this fairly brief.

In fact in some ways… I'm only the ‘warm up’ act for the two ‘main’ speakers this afternoon …who are of course the groom and the best man !

So firstly … and on behalf of Kirsty and Nick …..I would like to wish a very warm welcome to all the relatives and friends who are here today to ‘celebrate’ their marriage…… I know that many of you have travelled long distances to be here ….so thank you all …for coming to be with us …on this very joyous occasion.

And secondly..I'd like to voice my personal ‘appreciation’ of this afternoon's Vicar John Whitehead …for what I thought was a wonderful wedding ceremony and service .… In a quite beautiful and picturesque church.

Before I go any further …..I would now like to ask .… that just for a moment.… we can remember those who have meant so much to us from our respective families ……but who sadly cannot be with us today.

I'm certain however ……that they're all here in spirit …….and that they would be very proud of the happy couple ……on this their special day.

So ladies and gentlemen …..can I please ask you to remain seated ….but join with me now in raising your glasses ….as I make the first toast of the day … “To Absent Friends”.

Earlier this afternoon…I must admit that I felt like the proudest dad in the whole world… I accompanied Kirsty down the aisle. I think you'll all agree… she looks absolutely stunning…… Her mum Christine and I ….are very proud of how she's grown up ……and are delighted that she's found someone who she obviously loves ….and cares for so much.

During the time that we've known Nick …..and his mum and dad Doeanne and John ..… we've come to realize just how special he is to Kirsty……and together …we think they make a really great ‘team’.

As a parent ….I think one of the best things we can do for our children …is to try and give them..… both Roots … and Wings.

By Roots…..I mean …in the ‘strength’ of their family ties …in their ‘sense’ of values ……and in the ‘warmth’ of their relationships

and Wings ….to be independent ….to make a successful career for themselves … reach for their goals …..and to eventually put down strong roots of their own.

And in looking at Kirsty and Nick today …I think we can see two people who are doing exactly that …even ‘if’ …on account of Nick's passion for flying…his interpretation of ‘wings’ …is somewhat different than mine ..!

As Father of the Bride …I'd now like to share with you… ‘just a few’ things about Kirsty … and how she grew up to be the person she is today …so where should I begin…?

Well we saw a ‘practical’ side to Kirsty at an early age… when she joined the Brownies ….where of course she got lots of different badges … of which I'm sure was for home baking …..and that was probably because of the many happy times …she used to spend with her Grandma Gordon ……making treacle scones and ‘melting’ moments.

Having said that …whilst Kirsty's baking was always well worth waiting for..… the way she always made the kitchen look like a bomb site … was the tell-tale sign …that she never got the Brownie badge for ‘cleaning-up’.

But if Kirsty's baking skills were largely down to her Grandma ….then any musical traits she displayed were probably down to her Grandad …Jim Gordon… Even before she could walk ….Kirsty had gotten used to hearing Jim playing his bagpipes ….and there was many a time as a toddler … that she would dance along when he practiced playing his chanter.

Now whether this had any effect Kirsty later joining the school orchestra I'm not sure ….but being the tallest in class …I suppose it was no surprise when she was picked out to play the trombone …mainly because she was the only one with arms long enough get any kind of sound out of it …..and I have to tell you …boy could she get some sounds out it.

What with Kirsty playing a trombone…and her brother Cameron at the same time learning to play the clarinet …it was just as well for the neighbours sake ..that we had cavity wall insulation !

From playing music to listening to it …Kirsty was no different than any other daughter ….and the problem of volume control was a regular topic of discussion ….I seem to recall “Uptown Girl” being a particular favourite …..she used to play it so often …and so loudly …..that both her mum and I knew all the words as well.

There was one time when I was driving her to school …she even had ‘me’ singing along to it with her … you can just imagine …it was like something out of a Peter Kay video :

Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she never had a back street guy
I bet her mama never told her why

Was it any ‘wonder’ we went straight past the school turn-off ..!

Anyway ..all through her school years … and her time at university …Kirsty's always been someone who gives absolutely 100% in everything she does….and 110% when it comes to talking about it…… She's ‘always’ been full of chat ..and had plenty to say to her many friends …..the trouble was …most of it was done using our phone and at our expense…!

Being the ‘bad cop’ …as dads invariably are… …I remember us having regular monthly interrogations ..sorry I mean ‘discussions’… involving several pages of an itemised BT telephone bill … and the dreaded yellow highlighter pen…!

Surprise surprise …one of the main culprits behind those telephone bills …is sitting very close to me even as I speak ….isn't she Claire….? I used to recognise her as 456-4904 ….but she's better known to all of you….as Kirsty's maid of honour !

The two of them were virtually inseparable during their school years …and it never ceased to amaze me they would spend all day at school together …come home from school together ..… and then within five minutes of them each getting home … they'd be on the phone for what seemed like the rest of the evening.

In complete contrast to what she's like now ….Kirsty's negotiating skills weren't too clever when she was younger ….especially when it came to the subject of how much spending money she got and whether she could have an increase… It was usually something of a soft touch for me to get ‘my way’.

Anyway she obviously used to take this to heart …and of the stories I would tell her about some of the ‘strokes’ I pulled when I was buying and selling ….in that one day …when asked in class by her teacher …what her father's occupation was ….Kirsty proudly stood up and told them all …My Dad's a swindler !

As the years went on …she obviously got far more street wise …and her mum used to take Kirsty's side ….as all good mum's do …So much so …by the time it came to buying that …must-have …little black …‘prom’ dress …well I was like ‘putty’ in their hands.

But as for that long ago ‘swindler’ comment …there's a well known saying …..that what “goes” around “comes” around…and judging by the ‘rates’ Kirsty probably charges at Whale Marketing these days… I could now be forgiven for thinking ….the shoe's well and truly …on the other foot…?

and I suppose that …with Kirsty making a successful career in marketing ….and the fact that she's based in the middle of Manchester…I could say ‘she's’ also “come around” .… into being something of an “Uptown Girl” herself.

She certainly fits the ‘Uptown image’ …although that in itself requires a certain passion and dedication to “Shopping” ….which not many people can aspire to.

In fact I have to say… that acquiring all the shoes, matching handbags , and assorted lipsticks that Kirsty's got ….doesn't come easily…!

But seriously …and all joking aside.…

Kirsty is quite simply …the ‘best’ daughter any parent could ask for .…
and I think that anyone who can call her family .. or friend truly fortunate …

and if I'm accused of being ‘somewhat biased’ ..…
then I'm happy …and indeed proud .… to plead “guilty as charged”.

Marriage … IS the meeting of two hearts …of two minds … and of two souls….and I believe Kirsty and Nick … are a ‘glowing’ example of this.

So ..may they be blessed with Happiness that grows ….and with Love that lasts.

I‘d like to wish them ‘enjoyment’ for today .… and the ‘fulfilment’ of all their hopes and dreams for tomorrow.

And so finally ….it's my very great pleasure.… to propose the toast to the happy couple.

Ladies and Gentlemen …will you please be upstanding ….and raise your glasses……….… to the Bride and Groom.