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Speech by Brian O” Connor

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Brian O” Connor
Speech Date: Jun2007
I would like to start by saying:

I am really thrilled and immensely proud to stand here today giving this speech as father of the bride. Charlie, Gayle everyone here is absolutely delighted that you have finally tied the knot. This really is a day to remember.

I would like to welcome you all on behalf of my wife Barbara and Charlie's parents, Phil and Norma, and to thank you all for coming here today to share in this wedding celebration of this perfectly matched couple.

I’ ve got to point out that my children, are quite nervous about my making this speech in case I say anything cringing or embarrassing, as if I would!

In fact they have been giving me a list of the things I am not allowed to say or do.
According to this,
I am not to get emotional
Not to get Gayle emotional
I am not to tell any rude jokes
Say nothing that might embarrass Gayle or Charlie
Don't mention the cost of the wedding, certainly don't mention the price of mums hat.
Don't say anything to do with Gayles school or sporting activities
Don't mention Gayle's teenage years
It goes on……….…

Obviously, I will certainly give all these points careful consideration when giving the rest of the speech. Crumple paper and throw it behind me

If they think that this speech is going to make them cringe, wait until you see me on the dance floor!

Right to continue: This speech also gives me the chance to thank all those who have played such an important part in Charlie and Gayle's lives and to those who have contributed towards this great day

First of all I‘d thank Phil and Norma for their help and contribution towards the wedding. It has been a joint effort and obviously thanks for providing Charlie.

Thank you to the lovely bridesmaids, Jeanette, Sarah and Melanie for looking after Gayle today and for the help and support they have given Gayle over the past few months.

Thanks to Deacon Joe Mac Gonagle for the lovely service this afternoon it was as on all these occasions, very moving and to Silvie, Jo, Melanie and Laura for the readings.

Thanks to Sister Rosalie for making this lovely wedding cake.

To our third, unofficial daughter Sarah, Gayle and Jeanette's best friend and one of our lovely bridesmaids today, thank you for making all beautiful invitations and place names, I know that Charlie and Gayle are very grateful,

I would also like to offer a special thank you to Chris, Gayle's grandmother for her generosity through the years leading up to today, thanks Chris we have always appreciated the help you have given us.

Thank you to the all staff here at the Liverpool Marina for this beautiful setting, the tables and flowers are really lovely, just perfect and we all look forward to the wedding breakfast.

And finally a thank you to those I may have missed who have also helped to make this day so special.

I would at this time like you to remember absent friends and those who cannot be here today, especially George and Jimmy, Charlie and Gayle's late grandfathers. I am sure that they are here in spirit and are very proud of this young couple.

So without standing, I would like you to raise your glasses to make the first toast, “ To George and Jim”

Now I come to the happy couple but before I go any further I think Gayle might need these. I give Gayle a small box of tissues Its pathetic how women get emotional on these occasions, isn't it.

I went into Corals betting shop this morning and bet that I would not get emotional today, they gave me odds of a thousand to one. So I thought these might come in handy. Pull out a giant box with dad on the side.

But then I lost my bet when I first saw Gayle in her wedding dress, she looked stunning.

Gayle as everybody knows is appropriately named. She is like a whirlwind, always on the go, never stops and lives life to the full. She certainly leaves me breathless.

The music she chose for our walk down the aisle was of course the Bridle Chorus, Barbara thought the Flight of the Bumblebee would have been more appropriate.

But Gayle the real meaning of your name is “A father's joy” and how very true that is.

Gayle looks so beautiful and radiant today. She has always been such a happy, bubbly and caring daughter. Last night I was lying in bed about 2 o clock or was it 3 o’ clock, no it was 4 o'clock anyway going over what I had to say today.

I realised that we have never ever had a row or cross words, even when she was a teenager. This is not only a miracle in itself but also a clear reflection on the lovely daughter she has always been.

By her own efforts she has excelled in both her sporting and academic achievements and she has certainly done us proud over the years.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer a special thanks to Stan Roberts. Stan has coached Gayle in athletics at Liverpool Harriers since she was nine. With his help, she eventually achieved success as a National Champion in 2001. It is good to see you here today Stan and many thanks for all you have done for Gayle.
My mate Gerry here will tell you that it is quite obvious that Gayle gets her sporting ability from me. Gerry shouts “Rubbish”

One of the best things today is that we now teach in the same school. But it can be a little embarrassing for her at times, especially when I have to wait outside her classroon to start my next lesson. The girls shout “Hurry up miss your dads waiting outside”

Anyway Charlie! When I first met Charlie, although he was tall, dark and handsome, repeat louder Charlie hands over ٣ note Only ٣, well he was tall and dark!

As I said when I first met Charlie, I was still wary just like any father who sees his daughter growing into a lovely young woman and going out and dating. But I needn't have been, Charlie has always been the only one for Gayle.

But really I knew straight away that he was the man for Gayle with the very first words he ever said to me. He said “Hey Liverpool's on the telly.” I thought, “ He will do for me. He is definitely the man for Gayle.

Today I handed over my daughter to the care of her new husband. They are as they say childhood sweethearts. All daughters are precious, especially to fathers, therefore the new man in her life has to be really special.

Gayle has married someone who has the best qualities a father looks for in a future son-in-law and in Charlie I know I have one of the best. He adores Gayle and I know he will always love and protect her, as he said in his vows today.

I was watching Charlie today and he looked so proud of his new wife. Barbara and I regard him as a considerate and decent young man and I now take the greatest of pleasure in officially welcoming Charlie my new son in law, into the family, or as Barbara has always called him, Charlie Farley.

Unofficially he has been a part of our family for the last eight years and during the whole of that time he has proved himself to be a respectful, hardworking and responsible young man.

But best thing of all about Charlie is that he can get you 20% off anything in the Littlewoods catalogue.

As the father of the bride, I am expected to offer some advice to the newlyweds.
Well you are not getting it, You can find out how bloody hard it is like the rest of us.

But joking apart, I did take Charlie to one side one day and I asked him what did he want from this marriage, he said he wanted love, happiness, security, companionship and hopefully in the future, children. I then asked Gayle what did she want from her marriage, she said a dishwasher, flat screen telly, Sky sports and films, an American fridge, Aga cooker, fitted wardrobes, landscape garden, Dyson vacuum cleaner, PVC windows, laminate floors, 10 CD music system, dvd recorder

But to be honest they do not need any advice from me. During their years together they have not put a foot wrong. They both have great careers, a lovely home and more importantly they have their love for each other, which is obvious to all who know them.

I married Barbara 36 years ago in the same church. There is not a day goes by when I don't think how lucky I am. We have four of the finest and most loving children any parent could wish for and they have certainly enriched our lives.

In years to come, if Charlie and Gayle feel just a fraction of the satisfaction and fulfilment that I feel today then they will know that their marriage has been a big success.

And I am sure that everyone here has every confidence that your marriage will be a big success, as you really do make the perfect couple.

I would now like to ask you all to stand and raise your glasses for the toast to Mr and Mrs Gilbert.

Here's to the past and all you have learned,
Here's to the present, for all that you share,
Here's to the future, for all it will bring.

Everybody! Charles and Gayle