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Speech by Carl Williams

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Carl Williams
Speech Date: Jun2007
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I'm only going to speak for a couple of minutes because of my throat…… if I go on too long Nicky has threatened to cut it.

I would sincerely like welcome today Malcolm and Margaret, relatives and friends of both families, to this very happy occasion.

A special welcome to all who have traveled many miles to be here today, from many parts of the country. I must mention someone who couldn't make it today, and that is Nicky's Grancha. I know he would have loved to have been here to celebrate this special day with you, but both he and Denise send you their love and best wishes.

Turning my attention to my new Son-in-Law Pete. I am delighted to formally welcome Pete to the family. I am delighted that Nicky has chosen some one I like so much to be her husband even if he does support Spurs- never mind mate I'll still drink with you. During the time I've known Pete I've come to realize how special he is to Nicky and as you can see, they're made for each other, and I know both Malcolm and Margaret have taken Nicky to their hearts.

I feel so proud today to be Nicky's father and I'm sure you'll all agree with me that she looks so beautiful today.

I can't believe that it only seems like yesterday that I was holding her in my arms when she was first born, then watching her as a toddler running around the garden with no knickers on and eating worms, well at least she's stopped eating worms and now today I've walked her down the aisle. Where has the time gone?

Nicky has always brightened our lives, she never did turn the lights off, but she has always been the perfect daughter to Jan and I.

She is always kind and considerate, will help anyone in need and take in any waifs and strays, that's the cat I'm talking about Pete not you.

Nicky has obviously got her mothers good looks and my brains, but on the odd occasion she does go a bit BLONDE. Like the time she was playing ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ and the question came up ‘What is the correct name for a large Black cat’. The options were Leopard, Tiger, Lion and Panther. Nicky said ‘it can't be a panther coz they're PINK.

Nicky is always true to her word and very punctual when it comes to keeping time. While she was visiting me once In Germany she met an old friend who invited her to an all night party. She promised me that she would be back in the morning and came crawling home at 2 minutes to midday, fair play, technically it was still morning.

Mind you Pete she does have a temper, don't go upsetting her if she's got a knife in her hand. Ask her brother, David, he still bears the scars now.

A while ago I asked Nicky what she wanted out of marriage. She said” love, happiness and companionship”. I asked Pete the same question and he said “Sky Tele”.

Seriously though, Nicky has always been number one in my life. I loved you the moment you were born I love you now and I always will.

It gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to the happy couple:

May you live as long as you wish, and have all you wish for, for as long as you live.

Ladies and Gentlemen please be upstanding, and raise your glass to the Bride &amp Groom