Speech by Chris Davis
Hi There I recently had the pleasure of giving my sister away on her wedding day. Thanks to your site I was able to write a speech that was received very well – people are still congratulating me 3 weeks later! As a small thank you for your help below is the speech I delivered for publication on your site. Regards
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Chris Davis
Speech Date: MAR 2004
Distinguished guests, those of dubious distinction and those of no distinction, family, relatives, in-laws and outlaws, young and old, friends, friends of friends, freeloaders and hangers-on – let me extend a warm welcome to Judith and David's wedding reception celebration.
Winston Churchill was apparently asked to address a prep school and he got up and said, “Never, Never, Never give up!” then he sat down.
Well you are not going to get away quite as easily as that, but I will try to be brief.
There aren't many people who find themselves in the position I find myself in today. I'm married, 35 and I have two sons, yet I find myself in the role of “Father of the Bride”, but as I am Judith's brother I consider it a great honour and would like to say how proud I am to be giving away my beautiful baby sister today.
I know I speak on behalf of my mother and the rest of Judith's family when I say how proud we are today to see Judith looking so beautiful, finally married to Dave.
During the time we have known him we have come to realise how special he is to Judith, and everyone can see how they are made for each other.
He is really likable and easy going, and we are happy to welcome him formally into our family.
At this point in the proceedings, it is traditional to bring up an embarrassing moment from Judith's past or to highlight strange character traits so that you can have a laugh at her expense. But on the basis that she has as much on me as I do on her, in the interests of self preservation I am just going to skip that.
But let me tell you about the time she put an advert in the Surrey Herald that read “Husband Wanted” and she had 97 replies all saying the same thing . . . “You can have mine!”
Dave also tried hard before he found my sister. I understand that he sent a photo to the lonely hearts club but they sent it back saying “we're not that lonely!”
Dave will be aware that Judith loves clothes – especially shoes. She dresses to kill – beware Dave I am told she cooks the same way.
I would like to offer up a few worldly thoughts and advice about marriage. I've been married for nine years and feel I am just about getting the measure of it, so here goes.…
To Judith,
If you want something from Dave, ask for it. Remember, Dave is a man, hints do not work.
You will find in your marriage that you make all the minor decisions whilst Dave makes all the major decisions. Dave, you will find out that all future decisions turn out to be of a minor nature.
And finally to Judith, the definition of a perfect wife is one who helps her husband with the dishes .…
To Dave,
You must consider the words of Oscar Wilde, “Women are meant to be loved, not understood.”
Marriage will bring you many things, loyalty, self restraint, obedience and a whole host of other virtues you wouldn't have needed had you stayed single.
Now that you are married, Judith will always have the last word in any argument – any word that you come out with afterwards is by default, the start of the next argument!
Remember, when you buy her flowers . . . it proves you are guilty (but of course, beware the far more serious consequences of not buying her flowers!).
Put the seat down after you.
And remember those two invaluable words “yes dear”.
Proper Advice? Well, just keep four things in mind .…
The first is love, closely followed by friendship, then tolerance, and then communication. Easy to say – but they can be quite hard to carry out.
You must both realise that marriage isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Many of us know that everyone faces ups and downs in a life commitment. There is no secret to a happy marriage. You'll both have to work at it, like many of us.
There is no challenge in a marriage that cannot be overcome by the following three, three-word sentences.
These are:
I was wrong!
You were right!
I love you!
Judith and Dave,
Here's to the past for all that you've learned
Here's to the present for all that you share
And here's to the future for all that you can look forward to together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding, and raise your glasses to Judith and Dave