Speech by David Cookson
Start writing your speech a month in advance and practice, practice. practice. Practice your speech standing up, even walking round your room if it helps When you read your speech on the big day stand tall, talk with authority and if people can see you're enjoying yourself they will relax and enjoy your speech with you Dont deviate and ad lib, its hardwork even for professional speakers to get back on track.... good luck ...
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: David Cookson
Speech Date: 27/12/2013 16:18:57
Emily said: Daddy, to stop you wittering on – we're not serving the food until after the speeches – so, you'll all pleased to hear that my 40 minute speech has been reduced to 4 minutes:
Good evening and welcome to you all, to distinguished guests and to all other guests, welcome
Apparently I have 5 areas to cover.
To welcome everyone to our “do”
To say a few words about the bride in a loving and balanced way
To give a few words of wisdom to the happy couple
To give the first toast of the evening to the bride and groom
And finally to have a fantastic time
So, to in-laws and to out-laws, to friends and friends of friends, thank you for helping us make today a very special and memorable day. A special welcome to Jay's mum Rhonda and his sister Kay
I must at this time make a special mention to absent friends and loved ones, who have the best seat in the house, To Emily's Granny and Papi, to Grandad B and to our lovely little boy William, and to Jay's dad Tony. We are going to have a toast to loved ones, but we have all lost loved ones on this fantastic journey of life, so this toast is for everyone who has lost someone loved. The toast Ladies and Gentlemen is -“To Absent Loved Ones” God bless them all
For my speech I did a bit of research and found there are special parts to the service. There's the Aisle, which as I can testify is the longest walk, there's the Alter. Where two become one, and there's the Hymn where we pour out our praise to the Lord. Standing on my own at the front of the Church I found myself going over my research and was very surprised to hear Emily muttering those same words to herself – I'll alter him
When I first met Jay, big lad, ginger haired and full of tattoos, my first thought was OMG, now what has Emily found. But, different indeed, Jay is a credit to his mum; he's a friendly, loyal hardworking guy, who will talk all day about his guns and shooting. Jay has made Emily very happy, and I knew he and I would get on when he took me to the pub to ask me for Emily's hand
Jill and I are so proud of all our kids, but today being Emily's day I'm really proud to be Emily's daddy. To the lads I'm just “Dad— I want” But to Emily I'm her king, and although she's found her Prince I hope that her Prince will always allow me to be her king, after all, when she say's Daddy, please may I have, it will usually benefit Jay too. When I first saw Emily – I thought- What a strange face, but when they turned her round – she melted my heart and always has. Only recently Jill showed me some photos of Emily, spindly legs, lying on the rug, gurgling at the camera —- we'll never forget her 18th birthday
So, words or wisdom, To Jay, enjoy the honeymoon period, mate. For those who don't know, it's the period between “I do” and “YOU WILL”
Marriage is not a 50-50 split; it's a 100% commitment by you both, with patience, tolerance and forgiveness thrown together in equal measures
So — as a proud father and proud father in- law can I ask you all to charge your glasses and join me as we toast Emily and Jay — The Bride and Groom